Social Evils

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Social Evils

Published by: Mandira

Published date: 24 Jan 2022

Social Evils in Grade 6

Social Evils

Some social evils like dowry system, child labour, child marriage, drug addiction,alcoholism etc are the main bane of the society. You, as a part of the society, can take measure to stop them and make the society a safe place to live in.

Dowry system means a payment of cash or expensive gifts from the bride’s family to the husband family upon marriage.The dowry system is so deeply rooted in South Asian countries,The reason many parents don't want to have daughters is because of the dowry they will have to shell excuse at her ceremony, and the pressure they run through due to nevermore ending demands from her in-laws. When demands for dowry are not engaged, the wife is directed to torture, and oftentimes even killed.In our society, people believe their daughters will get married finally, and their man will support them, so why force them so hard?Instead of giving her dowry present your daughter with a solid education, and inspire her to continue a career of her decision is the best dowry any parent can ever give their daughter.

Child labour is a serious problem inNepal. Recent reports have shown that 2.6 million(2,596,000) children between the ages of 5 and 14are working in Nepal.Children work in export industries, in agriculture,construction materials, stone quarries, and in cottage industries such as carpeting, weaving and the glassful industry etc.Labelled as one of the weak and most untrained nations in the world, Nepal’s poor economic situation contributes to the high rate of child labour and poverty. Children need international legal security and other protecting measures to secure their safety. To decrease a child labour a minimum age requirement for labour, there should be a reasonable set minimum wage for child workers.

In Child marriage girls marry at such a young age they leave school and start taking care of their parents-in-law. later they have had a baby only very some of them have the possibility of going back to school. They spend their time working for their new families.Child marriage is not good for both girl and boy because they are not on that label to understand each other and having a child.According to Nepalese law, a person must be at least 20 years old to get married, but people are not punished if they do not agree. The hope remains that today’s women who had to marry at an early age will convince their children not to do the same and end school.

Drug addiction is the next growing problem in our society. People who get into the habits of consuming drugs regularly are called drug addicts.There are also other cause why people might turn to using drugs. Emotional distress, such as personal or family problems, having low self-confidence, like losing a close one, losing a job, or having no friends, and environmental stress is all possible factors to causing one to use drugs.It's really hard to come out of it ones they involve in it. When addicts do not get money to buy drugs,they get involved in criminal activities like;robbery,murder, theft etc.We should be far from such company.When addicts do not get money to buy drugs,they get involved in criminal activities like;robbery,murder, theft etc.We should be far from such company.

Consuming alcohol is injurious to health.It isnot good habits people take many alcoholic drinks than lose control over themselves. They may not be able to differentiate between wrong and right and start quarrelling with family,friends unnecessary which create problems in society.Such person is not liked by society. The WHO says alcohol use is the world’s third leading cause of disease, after childhood malnourishment and unsafe sex.