Climate Change

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Climate Change

Published by: Mandira

Published date: 26 Jan 2022

Climate Change in Grade 6

Climate Change

Climatic Change refers to the totality of the problem of climatic variability and change. It is related to its descriptions, causes, implications and interactions among these. The Climatic change occurs due to the fluctuations in atmospheric temperature, wind flow, rainfall etc. The atmosphere consists of gases like Oxygen, Carbon dioxide, nitrogen etc. These gases can be found in the atmosphere in certain quantities and ratios.

According to the Statistics, it is seen that gasses like Carbon dioxide, Carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxide, methane, etc. are increasing in the atmosphere. These gasses may reflect back from earth. They may either retain it with them or send back to the earth. The temperature of the earth is increasing. The gas that are disturbing the balance in exchange radiation and causing climate change is called Green House Effect or GHE.

The Snows in the Arctic region is increasing. Similarly, the melting of snows on the Himalayas are also increasing. It affects the lives of living beings on earth by off balancing water level. The Snow covered areas and seas and oceans are likely to be affected more by this. Due to the increasing melting of snow, the sea level is found rising. As we know that, if the temperature of the sea water increases, the volume of ocean water level also grows. So, it causes problems to the coastal area. The coastal areas are danger to settle and small islands are being submerged. The increasing in the sea water temperature is affecting the bio- diversity in coastal areas. Due to this, the changes take place in the nature and characteristics of flora and fauna. Plants are growing and bearing flowers and fruits prematurely. Birds and animals have started laying eggs and bearing babies well before then it is usual.

The temperatures of Equatorial region fluctuate more dramatically year-round. The Equatorial region has started getting less rainfall whereas the Arctic is receiving more rainfall. The tropics experience narrower changes in air and ocean temperatures. Any small shift in the environment there will be felt immediately. Species of fish and tropical plants that like their environment consistent won’t respond well to a sudden change in temperature.

As we know that the main factor to the climate change is nobody but the human itself. The different stupid activities of people lead to the Climate change. People Burns fossil fuels, Deforestation, are some of the causes of Climate change. There are different ways to control climatic change. First, the Green House Effect must be reduced and second, we must learn to reduce the effects and make a normal living.

It is necessary to control the Climate change of the environment. There are different methods to reduce the Climate change. We must reduce the use of Carbon dioxide emitting items like petroleum products, coals etc. The Alternative energy must be searched. We know that plants take carbon dioxide and turn it into solid carbon through the process of photosynthesis. People must plant trees on barren lands and conserve forests. The Whole world has to come together to prevent the climate change in the environment. We can do necessary things by ourselves. Simple things can change things differently. Like, Buying organic and locally grown foods, Avoid processed items, Grow some of your own food, recycle paper, plastic, metal, and glass, punish to the polluter, support and donate against climate change. If the situation is normalized, we must carry out all necessary preventive measures such as tree plantations, environment protection, use of alternative energy, public awareness etc. Climate change is predicted to lead to major changes in freshwater flows. It makes impacts on every aspect of freshwater use. Including people's lives, livelihoods, and biodiversity.