Origin and Formation of Society

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Origin and Formation of Society

Published by: Mandira

Published date: 23 Jan 2022

Origin and Formation of Society in Grade 6

Origin and Formation of Society

Here, it is clear that society begins to make progress since its beginning. Where it took a long period to take shape. There are several stages of development of society. They are given below:

  • Hunting age
  • Animal rearing age
  • Agricultural Age
  • Industrial Age

Hunting age

In a backward society, like a wild animal human beings used to live in a forest. They used to live in

caves at that time and for their foods they hunt animals. Which was not easy to hunt wild animals and even they had no concept of living in a house. Thatswhy, it was called Stone Age or Hunting age.

Animal rearing age

It was not easy to get animals to hunt. They had to wander far and wide in a course of hunting. Slowly as a time spend, rearing animals had been developed in them. So, instead of killing them they start to save animals. Now they had a less problem in getting food.And it was the Animal-rearing age.

Agricultural Age

As a time spend, they come to know that crops could be grown and they found food item like fruits.

nuts and seeds could be eaten. In this way, people started to grow different kinds of crops. After this they were able to grow food and store for later use, now they start to think about living in a place. Slowly, they occupied land for their permanent settlement and people started to live in one place. This was called the Agricultural Age.

Industrial Age

When development started people begin to discover some metals to make a device for agriculture because of its easiness. From this period, human mind started to produce different goods which they needed. Therefore, due to the establishment of industry, people got job opportunities. And the industry also developed with agriculture.

Age of science and technology

Here we are at an advanced age. As we know it is the age of science and technology. Various systematic discoveries and inventions are here which makes our life easier some of them are the computer, the aeroplane, the internet, radio etc. Transportation and communication have brought the people of world close. We can go anywhere within a short time. Sitting in one place we can see and know about anything. Life has become easier now than in the past. Because of the progress of computer, development of information and communication, the now time is called the age of the computer, age of science and technology and space age. Nowadays people are getting service faster and easier in the field of transformation, communication, agriculture, health education etc.

Basis of the formation of society

  • Security
  • United work
  • Fulfillment of needs
  • Social culture
  • Social thinking/sentiment
  • Help and cooperation
  • Interest/profession. occupation
  • Accountability