Democratic Republic

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Democratic Republic

Published by: Mandira

Published date: 25 Jan 2022

Democratic Republic in Grade 6

Federal Democratic Republic


Republic is the state in which the supreme power is given to its citizens and can choose the representative of the parliament. Republic was the stated in the 18thcentury from the Western World. In the republic state, the country is ruled by its citizen. In the context of Nepal, our country is ruled by Kings about 240 years, after the long year of the people's movement, Nepal could get the republic in the country.

The Federal Democratic Republic

The federal system is a political system where a country is divided into different independent states or regions. Nepal is a federal democratic republic country. Nepal has become the federal democratic republic country in 15th Jestha, 2065 but, because of various issues regarding the determination of federal units in Nepal, the federal system is not yet implemented in Nepal.

Nepal is going to adopt the federal system of government. Being a democratic country we have no king in our country so our country also called as the Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal. In our country, states are not separated but the political division like zones and region are created.

Features of Federal (Central) Government

  • Foreign affairs
  • National monetary policy
  • National security and military management
  • National highway, railway, postal service
  • Big hydropower, multi-provincial project

Features of Provincial (State) Government

  • Formulate state policies and laws
  • Mobilize state security force and maintain public security
  • Carry out local development activities
  • Construct development infrastructures
  • Preserve language, art, culture and other heritage