Our Infrastructure Of Development

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Our Infrastructure Of Development

Published by: Mandira

Published date: 23 Jan 2022

Our Infrastructure Of Development in Grade 6

Our Infrastructure Of Development


Education is the method of delivery of knowledge, skills, culture and values from one period to another which is the very essential infrastructure of development.


Education is important in life because it gives people the skills and tools they need to navigate the world. Education is a single and very important part of the individual development and the development of the nation.Education also influences people about the world in which they live, including information about history, philosophy, and culture. It also benefits in making the other people around him/her knowledgeable too .Many people believe that education is important in life for reasons behind basic survival ability. Eleanor Roosevelt famously said that education is essential to good citizenship and that education is important to everyone because it enables people to contribute to their community and their country. It also implements their learning into practical life.In this way, a community, a society, and a nation progress. Thus, education is necessary for the development of a country.

Here, citizens are the most important resource of any country. But they need to be well educated, trained and encourage to carry out various works. Educations promote awareness and awareness present to all rounded development.A country can not well developed without education it can not progress at all. There is no lack of skilled and trained human resource where the literacy rate is very high achievement depends on the skillful and active human resources that resources are provided by education .

Education in the past

There was no formal educational instruction like schools and university but education is started in Nepal since ancient times.From their parent's children get occupation skills, social norms, and values.Ashram, Gumbas, Bihar etc. is a religious institution where education was imparted.Durbar High School has established in 1910 BS by Junga Bahadur Rana who took the initial step towards the formal English education.To make a life easy the country require a good doctors, teachers, engineers, farmers, researchers etc.The government has been putting an effort to make education available to all because of the low literacy rate of Nepal.The Government has initiated both formal and non-formal education in the country.A country has established five universities, several schools, and colleges which provide formal education.

The non-formal education is managed as follows:

  • Education for the children who are not able to go school.
  • Education for the aged people who is uneducated.
  • Skilled based education for the women to increase their income.
  • Special education for physically challenged, visually impaired, etc.


One of the essential infrastructures of development is health.In a simple meaning being physically and mentally fit is known as the health.According to the definition of World Health Organization (WHO), "Health is the state of complete physical,mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of diseases or infirmity".


As we know,health is essential for us even more than gold and diamond.A famous philosopher Josh Billings “Health is like money, we never have a true idea of its value until we lose it".So, the main intention of our life is to be healthy and happy.There is also saying that "Health is Wealth." Which means a healthy person can think better, perform better, contribute more towards the development of the country.A famous Greek philosopher Aristotle has rightly said: "A healthy mind exists in a healthy body". country.The development of a country depends on the health of its citizens.

following measures should take to remain healthy are:

  • Keep your surrounding clean.
  • Have a clean and safe drinking water.
  • Eat a balanced diet containing vitamins, proteins,minerals etc.
  • Avoid harmful habits of smoking,taking drugs and alcohol, etc.
  • keeping yourself physically fit by exercise.

Major problems in health sector of Nepal are as follows:

  • In a ruler area, a government has not been able to operate hospitals and manage doctors as well as necessary tools,equipment, and medicines.
  • There are no such health services in the remote areas because of the lack of facilities doctors are not interested in working there.
  • Instead of going to doctors people prefer to go to witch doctors (Dhamijhankri).
  • It is because due to the lack of education and awareness in remote areas.Also, can not even pay for doctor fee.


  1. In rural areas,awareness program should launch by Government and non-government organization.
  2. In all parts of the country health posts and health centres should be established.And doctors are to be motivated to go to the remote areas.
  3. Mobile health camps should be conducted and blood donation programmes.
  4. Health education should be made compulsory in a school curriculum.

Condition of Health facilities in Nepal

Hospital 94 Health Centre 5
Health Post 699 Primary Health Care Centre 201
Sub-health post 3104 Ayuvedic Dispentionary 293
Health Assistance 7491 Doctor 1457
Village Health Worker 3190 Nurse 1163
Kabijar 394 Mother-Child Health Worker 3085
Baidhya 360