Mitotic Cell Division

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Mitotic Cell Division

Published by: Nuru

Published date: 06 Jul 2021

Mitotic Cell Division in Class 10 Science

Mitotic Cell Division

The process in which a mother cell divides into two daughter cells having the number of chromosomes equal to that of the mother cell is called mitotic cell division.

In this, a mother cell divides to form two daughter cells having the number of chromosomes equal to that of the mother cell. In this cell division, the number of genes remains the same and the DNA & RNA contains are also balanced. Thus, each daughter cell has genetic uniformity with the mother cell. As a result, mitotic cell division brings genetic stability to living organisms.

If this cell division becomes uncontrolled it causes cancer.

Stages of Mitotic Cell Division

Mitotic cell division completes into four stages. They are:

  1. Prophase
  2. Metaphase
  3. Anaphase
  4. Telophase

1. Prophase



  • Nucleus and nuclear membrane begin to disappear.
  • Centrosome divides into two centrioles.
  • Every chromosome splits longitudinally into two parts. Such each part is called a chromatid. Two chromatids are joined together at a point called the centrosome.
  • Chromosomes become shorter and thicker.

2. Metaphase



  • Centriole reaches to the opposite poles of the cell.
  • Nucleus and nuclear membrane disappear completely.
  • Chromosomes come to lie at the equatorial plane.
  • Spindle fibers produced by centriole pass through the centrosomes of the chromosome.

3. Anaphase



  • Centrosomes divide so that every chromosome splits into two chromatids.
  • Spindle fiber contracts due to which chromatids move towards the opposite poles.
  • Chromosomes are seen in different shapes.

4. Telophase



  • The chromosome becomes long and thread-like.
  • Nucleus and nuclear membrane reappear.
  • Spindle fibers begin to disappear.


The division of the chromosome is called karyokinesis.


The division of cytoplasm is called cytokinesis.

Cytokinesis occurs at the end of anaphase and telophase. In a plant cell, a cell plate is formed in the middle of a cell during cytokinesis. In an animal cell, a constriction is formed from the edge to the center. This constriction is also called cleavage.

Importance of Mitotic Cell Division

  1. It helps in the growth and development of organisms by multiplying the number of cells
  2. It helps in asexual reproduction in lower-class plants and animals.
  3. It helps in the replacement of old and dead cells by forming new cells. It also helps in healing the wound.
  4. It brings genetic stability to living organisms.