The Economic and Social Life of Asia

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The Economic and Social Life of Asia

Published by: Mandira

Published date: 17 Jan 2022

The Economic and Social Life of Asia in Grade 9

The Economic and Social Life of Asia

Among other continents, Asia has amaximum amount of natural resources and diversities. Diversified topography, distinct climate, presences of different vegetation etc. The major economic activities of Asia are agriculture, animal husbandry, fisheries, industries mining minerals, exhuming etc.

The Northern Region:
North Asia consists of Russia and the newly independent central Asia republics and west China. Winters are very cold everywhere. The far north as much thick pine forest, and has a lot of snow. Further south, it becomes very dry: there is a region of grassland called steppe, and there are cold deserts. Tibet and surrounding areas are also very high above sea level, although the land is flat. Population density is low. Mongolia is the most scarcely populated country in the world. Pine forest is used by widespread paper industries. Though not highly developed, agriculture, trade and business are growing.

The South West (Middle East) Region:
Middle East of Asia consists of the hot desert regions of the Arabian peninsula, the fertile plains of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers and the mountains of Iran and Afghanistan. Most of the people are Arabs and follow Islam. This region is very rich in oil and gas. Infrastructures are much developed and living standard is high.

The Eastern Region:
East Asia is the name given to the pacific coast countries of Korea, China, and Japan with a monsoon climate; this is a densely populated area of many cities with more than a million people and many industries. These countries are making exceptionally rapid economic growth both in agricultural and industrial sectors. China produces more rice in the world. East Asia is an area of volcano and earthquakes. Most people are Buddhists. Culturally they are very rich.

The Southern Region (Indian Sub-Continent):
The Indian Subcontinent is a name given to India, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bhutan, Bangladesh and island of the Maldives. They are separated from the rest of Asia by the Himalayas. The climate is monsoon, tropical in the south, but with only one season of rain and more temperate in the north. Agriculture mostly subsistence one is the mean economic activity.

The South-East Region:
South-East Asia has a tropical monsoon climate, that of Singapore. There are big dense tropical forest and intensive land cultivation. This area developed very quickly. Once they had financial difficulties and are now recovering. People are mainly Buddhist or Muslim. Countries include Burma, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, Malaysia, the island of the Philippines, Singapore and the 13000 island of Indonesia. The countries are densely populated- Singapore being the most densely populated country in the world.