Military Consolidation and Financial Crisis

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Military Consolidation and Financial Crisis

Published by: Mandira

Published date: 18 Jan 2022

Military Consolidation and Financial Crisis in Grade 9

Military Consolidation and Financial Crisis

Gorkha was not financially strong comparing to another country . So that due to poor preparation and feeble military Prithvi Narayan Shah defeat against Nuwakot and then he realized that such poor preparation and attack no triumph at all. So , he requested all the people of Gorkha regardless to caste , creed, sex and occupation.There were about 12000 Gorkhalis who helped them with whatever they had like an arm, ammunitions,cash and anything useful. Which was not enough to complete his dream of unifying Nepal into one .

Visit of Banaras

King Prithvi Narayan with his trusted Kazi Kalu Panday went to Banaras to collect war weapons and to study the political and economic condition of East India Company and other Baise and Chaubise Rajyas. When he reached Banaras , he worshiped Bishwanath and changed his Gotra from Bhardwaj into "Kasyap" with the help of his father in law . When he came back to Gorkha via Butwal and began to train his soldiers . With the help of Kalu Panday advice , he sent for young men from the terai, recruited them in Gorkha army and givethem proper training and he began to prepare for the next invasion of Nuwakot.

Peace Alliance with Lamjung

Kalu Panday used to advise the king to maintain the friendly relationship among the different neighboring kingdom. Then he was afraid that other neighboring king might attack Gorkha while king would be away on his invasion campaign . So, king, he sends Kalu Panday who was talking with the king of Lamjung at the basin of the river Chepa because of the diplomatic mind of Kalu Panday and an alliance was possible between Gorkha and Lamjung two traditional enemies after that , Gorkha made an alliance with Kaski, Tanahu, and Palpa. At the same time king, he was also made an agreement with Malla kingdoms viz-king of Bhaktapur Ranajit Malla and jing of Kritipur king Jayaprakash Malla .So , kind he signed a treaty with Kritipur and promised to provide Sanga and Changu to Bhaktapur after he would get triumph over those places.

That is how king he used his tactfulness to forward his unification campaign keeping Gorkha in the safe position .