Loktantrik Conduct, Peace and its Management

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Loktantrik Conduct, Peace and its Management

Published by: Mandira

Published date: 17 Jan 2022

Loktantrik Conduct, Peace and its Management in Grade 9

Loktantrik Conduct


Loktantra is a system where the representatives of people govern. The concerns of the people are comprehended by such elected nominees or representatives of the people. The constitution of the nation ensures the rights, duties and freedom of the people of a nation.

Aspects of democratic conduct

  • Supremacy of law
  • Protection of fundamental rights
  • Public participation in governance
  • Pluralism
  • Respect to minority
  • Inclusive governing system
  • Active civil society
  • Good governance
  • Freedom of opinion and press

Supremacy of law
The law is supreme in a democratic country. No person is above the law and its implementation. Thus, every citizen of a nation is supposed to be under the rules of law. He/she is able to use his/her right and freedom.

Protection of fundamental rights
The constitution of a nation guarantees the fundamental rights of the citizens of a nation. The citizens should use their fundamental rights without disturbing others and violating others’ right.

Public participation in governance
Loktantra is the system in which the peoples’ representative govern which means that there is a people participation in the government. The election is to be conducted periodically and fairly so as to update the peoples’ participation.

No citizen of the nation has same opinions and ideas. The opinion of each and every citizen should be respected equally. The major speciality of democracy is to accept the diversity of thoughts, culture and practices and these all aspects are to be addressed while governing the country.

Respect to minority
The minority is given equal priority as the majority in the democracy. The voice of minority is heard and the laws are asked to form as in the way of the minority as well. The minority helps to make the majority disciplined and responsible towards governing of the nation.

Inclusive governing system
The rules of a nation should be inclusive. Inclusiveness means to include the people of all caste, race, religion, sex, language etc. Each and every citizen should be given equal priority in all level of the governing system of a nation.

Active civil society
For systemizing the democratic conduct, there should be active participation of civil society. Civil society helps to provide people their rights. The fair, unbias, mission-oriented civil society arrange loktantra, its principles, and conduct.

Good governance
The task carried by the government must be transparent to all the citizens. People have the right to acquire the information of governmental activities and leave a feedback of their performance. When good governance is established, there is a good system in the country.

Freedom of opinion and press
The opinion and press are free from any political biasness in loktantra. By utilizing this right, people can acquire information of every aspect of the country such as the economy, politics, social activities as well as cultural activities. This can also help people to solve their problem.

Peace and its Management

Peace refers to the condition in which the aspects such as war, violence, etc. are absent. It is a favorable situation for development and prosperity. It is a situation in which everyone can feel safe and secure. Each and every individual can enjoy their rights freely. In a peaceful environment, one can work freely, creatively and comfortably.People get satisfied and happy in the peaceful environment. It is one of the prerequisites for the development of a nation. A nation can be developed rapidly in a peaceful environment. With ongoing conflict, development is not possible.

According to the constitutional provisions, every citizen shall have the right to acquire, own, sell, dispose, and otherwise, deal with it property. These provisions come under personal as well as public security.

The school is called as a ‘Zone of Peace’. It is a centre for acquiring education. As declared by the government that school as a Zone of Peace, it should not be only in words but also in practice. A school is an institution that teaches to have positive values and end the conflict creating matters such as physical torture, mental torture, discrimination based on caste, gender, religion and so on. The political activities like strikes, rallies, etc. affect the peaceful environment of the school. So, such activities must not be conducted. Both students and teachers should not be used for such political activities.

Obstacles to Peace in Nepal

The following factors create obstacles in maintaining peace of Nepal:

  • Absence of effective rule of law
  • Lack of inclusiveness
  • Political instability
  • Irresponsible government
  • Ignorance of government
  • Autocracy
  • Open border with India
  • Geographical diversity
  • Poverty
  • Unemployment
  • Misuse of means and resources

Ways to maintain Peace

The following are some of the ways to maintain peace in the society as well as in the nation:

  • The feeling of brotherhood must be developed.
  • There should be rapid alleviation of poverty.
  • The mentioned rights for each and every individual should be granted effectively.
  • The feeling of co-operation and responsibility must be developed.
  • The provision of security must be made effective and reliable.
  • There should be a transparent, responsible and accountable government.