Preconditions for Development

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Preconditions for Development

Published by: Mandira

Published date: 14 Jan 2022

Preconditions for Development in Grade 9

Preconditions for Development

The availability of requirements needed to initiate and accomplish the development projects or activities is known as preconditions for development.Development is a dynamic process of positive change or progress. The availability of requirements needed to initiate and accomplish the development projects or activities is known as preconditions for development.

  • literacy
  • public participation
  •  entrepreneurship
  • peace 


Literacy is traditionally understood as the ability to read, write and use arithmetic but the modern term's meaning has been expanded to include the ability to use language, numbers, images, computers, and other basic means to understand, communicate, gain useful knowledge and use the dominant symbol systems of a culture. In Nepal, literacy programs initiated during Gurukul Education System. Literacy is not all about reading and having simple knowledge on something rather. It is directly connected with culture, tradition, economic activities, our daily life etc. The literacy rate of Nepal according to the census of 2068 is 65.9%

Public participation

People's participation refers to the participation of people in development activities. It is very important in building infrastructures in Nepal. Vast resources like land, forest, water, minerals need to be exploited properly. Due to lack of capital, large-scale projects cannot be started easily. But governmental and non-governmental agencies can make the investment if people participate. Projects are successful and their sustainability is ensured when people participate in the constructions. The consumers think that the projects are theirs and for themselves so that they take better care of the same.


Entrepreneurship is one of the major preconditions for development.Entrepreneurs play a key role in any economy. It also refers to the process of designing, launching and running a new business. It is all about involvement in business. It helps to use the available means and resources. A nation has to focus on developing trade, commerce, and industries. Their progress determines the progress of entrepreneurs and ultimate progress. A nation has to inculcate the feeling of entrepreneurship to initiate development from the society.


Peace is defined as to the state of consensus and harmony among the people. It also refers to the state where there is no war and conflict. Without peace,development can't take place within the circle of conflict, misunderstanding, jealousy, hatred, etc. The ultimate leads to backwardness and insecurity is to fight within society for no significant reasons and achievement. People should overcome with the constructive feelings and activities and then united to maintain sustainable peace. Sustainable peace refers to the long-lasting peace.