Efforts made for Social Reformation and Corruption

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Efforts made for Social Reformation and Corruption

Published by: Mandira

Published date: 16 Jan 2022

Efforts made for Social Reformation and Corruption

Efforts made for Social Reformation 

We have many problems in our society. Some are traditional ones that have remained unsolved and others are caused by population growth, scientific advancements, foreign influence and so on. Efforts have been made for the social reformations in the country from time to time. The following paragraphs briefly describe those efforts over different time periods.

Early efforts

Efforts were made for social reformations even in the early time. King Jayasthiti Malla with his code. 'Manusmriti' had divided people into different castes as per their occupations. This division though sounds unfair now, was valuable in those circumstances and could bring a good social order. He had also improved justice administration; and trade and business. Efforts were made by Ram Shah, a king of Gorkha, to improve judicial system in his kingdom. One proved guilty of bribery was banished and laws restricted accusations of witchcraft. Capital punishment could be given to murderers. Ram Shah established so efficient system of justice administration that people used to say, 'If you lose justice, go to Gorkha.' Bhimsen Thapa, the first prime minister of unified Nepal, had tried to discourage the sati pratha along with other evils of the Nepalese society. King Prithvi Narayan Shah's activities and his divine counsels particularly had very positive implication for social reformations and development of nationalism in the successive eras.

Ranas' Contributions

Despite their despotic natures, Ranas are remembered for their valuable efforts of social reformations. Through his 'Muluki Ain', the first law of the land, Jung Bahadur maintained social order and ensured judicial reformations. The law brought legal uniformity and rigorous punishments such as mutilation of criminals were restricted. Efforts were also made to curb bribery, sati system and slavery. Dev shumsher, who was known as the most liberal of all Rana prime ministers, established about 150 schools throughout the country-50 in the valley and 100 elsewhere outside. Chandra Shumsher abolished slavery and sati pratha by law. He managed to rehabilitate thousands of slaves set free in Bikshyakhori in Bara district, now known as Amlekgunj.

Efforts following the advent of democracy

The revolution for democracy that could successively overthrow Rana autocracy brought about incomparable public awakening. Rulers afterwards were dedicated to making substantial social reformations. Land reform programmes were made in 2016 BS but due to political reasons they could not be implemented. Later in 2020 BS with the amendment of the Muluki Ain, the state tried to ensure that everyone was equal in law so that publishment dependent solely on guilt and the nature of the crime, and not on caste, religion, age or sex. The act controlled child marriage, old age marriage to young girls and polygamy. Divorce and widow marriage were allowed. It was a step towards giving women more equality as rights in partners in marriage. Similarly, land reform of 2021 BS fixed the maximum limit of the land one could own. Unfortunately, this could not be fully be put into practice. New Education System Plan 2028 BS tried to reform the existing education system that was predominantly a lot of a political and social awakening among the general public. It made the Panchayat government more committed to social reformations.

You know both People's Movement 1 of 2046 BS and the Maoist revolt of 2052 BS were directed towards social reformations along with political ones. The 2047 constitution enshrined more fundamental rights to people and set forth directives and policies for promoting welfare state. Important legal managements could be made for women empowerment and against child labour exploitation. In 2057 BS parliament decisions came for the emancipation of Kamaiyas (bonded labourers) of Mid-west and Far-west. But due to lack of political commitment, their rehabilitation is yet to be accomplished.

The Popular Movement II of 2062/63 has brought substantial changes in the aspirations of the state. The Historical Declaration of the House of Representatives 2063 immediately after the movement got success, declared Nepal a secular state. It also eased the procedure for acquiring citizenship. The Interim Constitution 2063 BS, promulgated on 1st Magh 2063 BS, has given institutional recognition to aspirations of the state for social reformations. It has made provision for social justice and federal state, responsible government, efficient legislative, religious tolerance, gender equality and so on. As a result, the state has adopted policies to encourage the development of women, dalits, janajatis and other disadvantaged groups of people. Our forthcoming constitution is expected to all the more just and democratic.

International Assistance

Nepal is getting enthusiastic support from external world in its activities for social reformations. Many international organizations and INGO's are providing technical and financial assistance. The role of UN agencies such as UNHCR, UNFPA, ILO and UNICEF along with that of the INGO's like Action Aid Nepal, International Nepal Fellowship. NORAD, DANIDA, SOS, and many others are important. They work to coordinate with Nepali government bodies and NGO's working in the field of social reformations.


Corruption is an illegal act by an officeholder. It is the misuse of public power. It's like a virus, which has made hollow to our nation. It is the main problem of every country. Corruption is a global problem and occurs not only in developed but also in developing countries like Nepal. Corruption is a serious social problem in our country. It is the main obstacle to the development of Nepal. It is widespread and pervasive in the developing countries rather than in the developed countries. Nature of Corruption is multi-dimensional. It often occurs at the nexus of different areas and sectors. Corruption makes government poor. Corruption is living in that place or countries where the governance is poor.

We should know that not only public corruption but also private corruption between individuals and businesses could be harmful to the society and nation.Major corruption comes close whenever major events involving large sums of money, multiple ‘players’, or huge quantities of products (think of food and pharmaceuticals) often in disaster situations, are at stake.

We know that corruption will not disappear frclassom society. Our efforts are meant to restrict corruption and to protect as much as possible the poor and weak in our societies. In the end, all corruption costs are paid by the consumer and the tax-payer. They need protection. Nepal is a country among the countries of the high rate of corruption. If we don’t control corruption, development can’t be possible as expected. Rule of law is limited only in slogan if there is corruption. Corruption has been a hindrance for the political reforms. Corruption has weakened the accountability, transparency and good governance. Corruption has trickled into not only the private sector but also public sectors.

Causes of Corruption

  • Low Pay scales/ Wages
  • Lack of Strict and fast punishments
  • Low Job opportunities
  • Lack of transparency in affairs and deals
  • Lack of enough powers to the judicial system

Low Pay scales/ Wages
Most of the employees in government sector are paid low wages and salaries. Hence, some employees revert to corruption for more financial benefits.

Lack of Strict and fast punishments
Even if someone is found guilty or even caught red-handed by the anti-corruption officials or media, the convicts get less punishment. First, they will be suspended for few months or weeks and then re-posted to another location with same Job grade and pay.

Low Job opportunities
This is another cause of corruption. Due to lack of job opportunities at will, there are many people who like to go for corruption mode to get the job offer.

Lack of transparency in affairs and deals
Many seat selection processes like in education, contracts for job, employee income reports (wealth possession), etc lack transparency.

Lack of enough powers to the judicial system
Like the election commission cannot ban a politician from contesting in case they make a mistake or do not comply with the rules during. Similarly, the judicial system has low options to punish someone who is found to be.

Effects of Corruption

In our society, corruption discourages people to work together for the common goodamong the people. It creates frustration and general apathy among the public result in a weak civil society. Here, Demanding and paying bribes becomes the tradition. It also results in social inequality and gap between the rich and poor, civil strive, increased poverty. There will be lack of basic needs like food, water. There may increase jealousy and hatred and insecurity. Here are some of the effects of Corruption listed below:

The impact of corruption is very hard in public life as:

  • Violation of laws and order
  • Question mark on the prestige of a nation
  • The question mark about system and leadership
  • Lack of quality in services
  • Lack of proper justice
  • Lack of respect for rulers
  • Lack of faith and trust on the governments
  • Decrease in foreign investment
  • Lack of development
  • Differences in trade ratio’s
  • Justice is exchanged with money
  • Unity among people is lost and rifts increase

Government plans for Checking of Corruption

  • A ten-year master plan is to be prepared and implemented for the promotion and strengthening of Nepal army to secure vital and national heritage, including carrying out of general security responsibilities and effectively conducting rescue operations.
  • Establishment of Rashtriya Satarkata Kendra which was established on 27th Shrawan 2059 B.s. with the prime aim of checking corruption and maintain good governance in public offices.
  • The government has the prime role in preventing and controlling corruption. However, the government should get support from civil society and media to move more effectively in preventing corruption.
  • Media have been playing a vital role by reporting and publishing the news of corruption with high priority.
  • Nepal has signed in International Convention, 2063 respective to corruption control. It's endorsed by the parliament of Nepal in - 2011 A.d.
  • Special Court has special jurisdiction of a permanent nature to adjudication of “corruption and money laundering cases” filed by the CIAA and DMLI.
  • There has been lots of awareness generating programmes being conducted by nongovernmental organizations about corruption.
  • Corruption has been included in the school curriculum to make students aware of it and its consequences.