Relation among Agriculture, Industry and Trade

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Relation among Agriculture, Industry and Trade

Published by: Mandira

Published date: 20 Jan 2022

Relation among Agriculture, Industry and Trade in Grade 9

Relation among Agriculture, Industry and Trade

Among many other countries, Nepal is an agricultural country where about 70%people are engaged for their livelihood .most of the raw materials are needed for industries are produced from agriculture sectors.For example, tobacco is required to produce cigarettes,Tea leaves are required for tea.sugarcane is required to produce sugar.

Similarly,Animal husbandry comes under agriculture.Milk is obtained from cows,buffaloes,Dairy industries need milk to produce cheese,ghee,milk powder etc, On the other hand,Agriculture products are only increased when industries produce different types of seeds,chemical fertilizers,pesticides,insecticides.These various tools like spade,dibble,thrasher,hoe etc are required to produce different agricultural products.These instruments come to the farmers through trade and the raw materials produced by agricultural sectors also go up to industries through trade. By this way, we can clearly understand that there is a close relationship between agriculture,industry and trade.TDevelopment is easy and sustainable when all these sectors agriculture,trade , and industry develop with a support of one another.

Need and potentiality of agro-based industries in Nepal

There is a strong need of agro-based industry for the sound agricultural development in Nepal.The farmers get the right value of their products if the agro-based industries are flourished and they consume more raw materials.It directly supports the improvement of the living standard of,we should use the agricultural raw materials produced in our country and expand the industries bases.They provide innumerable benefits like employment.It will help unemployment in the agricultural sectors.It also helps developing infrastructure and also helps to develop the nation.

Interrelationship between Agriculture,Industry, and Trade

The relationship between agriculture,industry and trade is perplexing.Most of the raw materials are needed for industries are produced from agriculture sectors.Likewise,many goods that we export to foreign countries are produced from agricultural products.The country earns foreign currencies from these exports.and then we can establish more industries and people will easily get a job and helps to maintain their quality of life.It also helps to promote internal Trade and market also . On the other hand,Agriculture products are only increased when industries produce different types of seeds,chemical fertilizers,pesticides,insecticides.We can increase production by using these items manufactured in the agricultural industries.The goods required for agricultural development can be obtained only if there is industrial development in the country.Similarly, if the agriculture is not well-developed,the efficiency and the production of the industry is affected by the income of people will be less and they will be unable to buy tools,pesticides and fertilizers.At the same time,the role of trade is very decisive.By all these facts we can say that agriculture,industry and trade have an interrelationship with each other.They are complementary to each other.