Published by: Nuru
Published date: 18 Jun 2021
8085 is pronounced as an "eighty-eighty-five" microprocessor. It is an 8-bit microprocessor designed by Intel in 1977 using NMOS technology.
It has the following configuration −
It is used in washing machines, microwave ovens, mobile phones, etc.
8085 consists of the following functional units –
These are the set of 5 flip-flops −
Its bit position is shown in the following table:-
D7 | D6 | D5 | D4 | D3 | D2 | D1 | D0 |
S | Z | AC | P | CY |
The bit position of the flip flop in flag register is above;
1. Sign(S)- If D7 of the result is 1 then sign flag is set otherwise reset. As we know that a number on the D7 always decides the sign of the number.
if D7 is 1: the number is negative.
if D7 is 0: the number is positive.
2. Zeros (Z)-If the result stored in an accumulator is zero then this flip flop is set otherwise it is reset.
3. Auxiliary carry (AC)-If any carry goes from D3 to D4 in the output then it is set otherwise it is reset.
4. Parity (P)-If the no of 1's is even in the output stored in the accumulator then it is set otherwise it is reset for the odd.
5. Carry(C)-If the result stored in an accumulator generates a carry in its final output then it is set otherwise it is reset. The carry flag also serves as a borrow flag for subtraction
It is an 8-bit register. When an instruction is fetched from memory then it is stored in the Instruction register. Instruction decoder decodes the information present in the Instruction register.
It provides timing and control signals to the microprocessor to perform operations. Following are the timing and control signals, which control external and internal circuits −
As the name suggests it controls the interrupts during a process. When a microprocessor is executing the main program and whenever an interrupt occurs, the microprocessor shifts the control from the main program to process the incoming request. After the request is completed, the control goes back to the main program.
There are 5 interrupt signals in 8085 microprocessor: INTR, RST 7.5, RST 6.5, RST 5.5, TRAP.
It controls the serial data communication by using these two instructions: SID (Serial input data) and SOD (Serial output data).
The content stored in the stack pointer and program counter is loaded into the address buffer and address-data buffer to communicate with the CPU. The memory and I/O chips are connected to these buses; the CPU can exchange the desired data with the memory and I/O chips.
The data bus carries the data to be stored. It is bidirectional, whereas the address bus carries the location to where it should be stored and it is unidirectional. It is used to transfer the data & Address I/O devices.
A microcomputer performs a task by reading and executing the set of instructions written in its memory. This set of instructions, written in a sequence is called Program.
It is a group of bits that instruct the computer to perform a specific operation.
An instruction is a command to the microprocessor to perform a given task on a specified date.
Each instruction has two parts: one is the task to be performed, called the operation code (op-code), and the second is the data to be operated on, called the operand.
8085 has 80 basic instructions, 246 op-codes.
Opcode | Address/operands |
Fig: Instructions format
Op Code= Operation to be performed
Address = address of operand on memory
Eg: A + B
Operands = A B
Opcode = +
The 8085A instruction set consists of one, two and three-byte instructions. The first byte is always the opcode; in two-byte instructions, the second byte is usually data; in three-byte instructions the last two bytes present address or 16-bit data.
Eg: MOV B, C; Move Data; copy the content of C register to B register without modifying the content of the source register.
1 byte – Op-Code
2 byte – Operand
Opcode | Operands |
Eg: MVI B, 80H; MVI means immediate data. 57H is an immediate data and it is to be copied in the B register
3.Three Byte Instruction Format:
D15, D14 - - - - - - D8 D7, D6 - - - - - - D0
Higher order 8-bit Lower order 8 - bit
Opcode | Operand | Operand |
Computer Instruction: It is a sequence of binary bits that tells the computer to do some specific task.
The control reads an instruction from a specific address in memory and executes it. It then continues by reading the next instruction in sequence and execute
Eg: LD A, 01H
LD stands for Load
A stand for Accumulator
01 is Data (operands)&
H means Data is in Hexadecimal
Addressing Modes of 8085:-
Addressing mode is the way in which operand of the instruction is specified.
The way the operands are chosen during execution.
Types of addressing modes:-
In 8085 microprocessor there are 5 types of addressing modes:
MVI B 45 (move the data 45H immediately to register B)
LXI H 3050 (load the H-L pair with the operand 3050H immediately)
JMP address (jump to the operand address immediately)
MOV A, B (move the contents of register B to register A)
ADD B (add contents of registers A and B and store the result in register A)
INR A (increment the contents of register A by one)
LDA 2050 (load the contents of a memory location into accumulator A)
LHLD address (load contents of a 16-bit memory location into H-L register pair)
IN 35 (read the data from port whose address is 01)
MOV A, M (move the contents of the memory location pointed by the H-L pair to the accumulator)
LDAX B (move contains B-C register to the accumulator)
LXIH 9570 (load immediate the H-L pair with the address of the location 9570)
CMA (finds and stores the 1’s complement of the contains accumulator A in A)
RRC (rotate accumulator A right by one bit)
RLC (rotate accumulator A left by one bit)
An instruction is a command given to the computer to perform a specified operation on the given data. The instruction set of a microprocessor is the collection of the instructions that the microprocessor is designed to execute. The instruction described here is of Intel 8085. These instructions are of Intel Corporation. They cannot be used by other manufactures. The programmer can write a program in assembly language using these instructions. These instructions have been classified into the following groups:
1. DATA TRANSFER INSTRUCTION:- Data transfer instructions are the instructions which transfer data in the microprocessor. They are also called copy instructions.
Following is the table showing the list of logical instructions:
MOV | Rd, Rs | Rd = Rs | MOV A, B |
MOV | Rd, M | Rd = Mc | MOV A, 2050 |
MOV | M, Rs | M = Rs | MOV 2050, A |
MVI | Rd, 8-bit data | Rd = 8-bit data | MVI A, 50 |
MVI | M, 8-bit data | M = 8-bit data | MVI 2050, 50 |
LDA | 16-bit address | A = contents at address | LDA 2050 |
STA | 16-bit address | contents at address = A | STA 2050 |
LHLD | 16-bit address | directly loads at H & L registers | LHLD 2050 |
SHLD | 16-bit address | directly stores from H & L registers | SHLD 2050 |
LXI | r.p., 16-bit data | loads the specified register pair with data | LXI H, 3050 |
LDAX | r.p. | indirectly loads at the accumulator A | LDAX H |
STAX | 16-bit address | indirectly stores from the accumulator A | STAX 2050 |
XCHG | none | exchanges H with D, and L with E | XCHG |
PUSH | r.p. | pushes r.p. to the stack | PUSH H |
POP | r.p. | pops the stack to r.p. | POP H |
IN | 8-bit port address | inputs contents of the specified port to A | IN 15 |
OUT | 8-bit port address | outputs contents of A to the specified port | OUT 15 |
In the table,
R stands for register
M stands for memory
r.p. stands for register pair
Arithmetic Instructions are the instructions that perform basic arithmetic operations such as addition, subtraction and a few more. In 8085 microprocessor, the destination operand is generally the accumulator. In 8085 microprocessor, the destination operand is generally the accumulator.
Following is the table showing the list of arithmetic instructions:
ADD | R | A = A + R | ADD B |
ADD | M | A = A + Mc | ADD 2050 |
ADI | 8-bit data | A = A + 8-bit data | ADD 50 |
ADC | R | A = A + R + prev. carry | ADC B |
ADC | M | A = A + Mc + prev. carry | ADC 2050 |
ACI | 8-bit data | A = A + 8-bit data + prev. carry | ACI 50 |
SUB | R | A = A – R | SUB B |
SUB | M | A = A – Mc | SUB 2050 |
SUI | 8-bit data | A = A – 8-bit data | SUI 50 |
SBB | R | A = A – R – prev. carry | SBB B |
SBB | M | A = A – Mc -prev. carry | SBB 2050 |
SBI | 8-bit data | A = A – 8-bit data – prev. carry | SBI 50 |
INR | R | R = R + 1 | INR B |
INR | M | M = Mc + 1 | INR 2050 |
INX | r.p. | r.p. = r.p. + 1 | INX H |
DCR | R | R = R – 1 | DCR B |
DCR | M | M = Mc – 1 | DCR 2050 |
DCX | r.p. | r.p. = r.p. – 1 | DCX H |
DAD | r.p. | HL = HL + r.p. | DAD H |
In the table,
R stands for register
M stands for memory
Mc stands for memory contents
r.p. stands for register pair
Logical instructions are the instructions which perform basic logical operations such as AND, OR, etc. In 8085 microprocessor, the destination operand is always the accumulator. Here logical operation works on a bitwise level.
Following is the table showing the list of logical instructions:
ANA | R | A = A AND R | ANA B |
ANA | M | A = A AND Mc | ANA 2050 |
ANI | 8-bit data | A = A AND 8-bit data | ANI 50 |
ORA | R | A = A OR R | ORA B |
ORA | M | A = A OR Mc | ORA 2050 |
ORI | 8-bit data | A = A OR 8-bit data | ORI 50 |
XRA | R | A = A XOR R | XRA B |
XRA | M | A = A XOR Mc | XRA 2050 |
XRI | 8-bit data | A = A XOR 8-bit data | XRI 50 |
CMA | none | A = 1’s complement of A | CMA |
CMP | R | Compares R with A and triggers the flag register | CMP B |
CMP | M | Compares Mc with A and triggers the flag register | CMP 2050 |
CPI | 8-bit data | Compares 8-bit data with A and triggers the flag register | CPI 50 |
RRC | none | Rotate accumulator right without carry | RRC |
RLC | none | Rotate accumulator left without carrying | RLC |
RAR | none | Rotate accumulator right with carrying | RAR |
RAL | none | Rotate accumulator left with a carrying | RAR |
CMC | none | Compliments the carry flag | CMC |
STC | none | Sets the carry flag | STC |
In the table,
R stands for register
M stands for memory
Mc stands for memory contents
Branching instructions refer to the act of switching execution to a different instruction sequence as a result of executing a branch instruction.
The three types of branching instructions are:
(a) Unconditional Jump Instructions: Transfers the program sequence to the described memory address.
JMP | address | Jumps to the address | JMP 2050 |
(b) Conditional Jump Instructions: Transfers the program sequence to the described memory address only if the condition is satisfied.
JC | address | Jumps to the address if the carry flag is 1 | JC 2050 |
JNC | address | Jumps to the address if the carry flag is 0 | JNC 2050 |
JZ | address | Jumps to the address if zero flags are 1 | JZ 2050 |
JNZ | address | Jumps to the address if zero flags are 0 | JNZ 2050 |
JPE | address | Jumps to the address if parity flag is 1 | JPE 2050 |
JPO | address | Jumps to the address if parity flag is 0 | JPO 2050 |
JM | address | Jumps to the address if sign flag is 1 | JM 2050 |
JP | address | Jumps to the address if sign flag 0 | JP 2050 |
(a) Unconditional Call Instructions: It transfers the program sequence to the memory address given in the operand.
CALL | address | Unconditionally calls | CALL 2050 |
(b) Conditional Call Instructions: Only if the condition is satisfied, the instructions execute.
CC | address | Call if the carry flag is 1 | CC 2050 |
CNC | address | Call if the carry flag is 0 | CNC 2050 |
CZ | address | Calls if zero flags are 1 | CZ 2050 |
CNZ | address | Calls if zero flags are 0 | CNZ 2050 |
CPE | address | Calls if the carry flag is 1 | CPE 2050 |
CPO | address | Calls if the carry flag is 0 | CPO 2050 |
CM | address | Calls if sign flag is 1 | CM 2050 |
CP | address | Calls if sign flag is 0 | CP 2050 |
(a) Unconditional Return Instruction: The program sequence is transferred unconditionally from the subroutine to the calling program.
RET | none | Return from the subroutine unconditionally | RET |
(b) Conditional Return Instruction: The program sequence is transferred unconditionally from the subroutine to the calling program only is the condition is satisfied.
RC | none | Return from the subroutine if the carry flag is 1 | RC |
RNC | none | Return from the subroutine if the carry flag is 0 | RNC |
RZ | none | Return from the subroutine if zero flags are 1 | RZ |
RNZ | none | Return from the subroutine if zero flags are 0 | RNZ |
RPE | none | Return from the subroutine if parity flag is 1 | RPE |
RPO | none | Return from the subroutine if parity flag is 0 | RPO |
RM | none | Returns from the subroutine if sign flag is 1 | RM |
RP | none | Returns from the subroutine if sign flag is 0 | RP |