Published by: Zaya
Published date: 06 Jul 2021
An essay is an exercise in composition. It is a written composition giving expression to one's own personal ideas or opinions on any topic. It has traditionally been sub-classified as formal and informal. It can be defined as an essay as a loose sally of the mind. It is generally, a piece of writing that gives the author's own argument, but the definition is vague, overlapping with those of a paper, an article, a pamphlet, and a short story. The literal meaning of the essay is abrupt.
It may be simply a sentence or a very short paragraph. It may consist of a definition or a quotation, proverb, very brief story direct beginning general remarks, or an abrupt beginning leading up to the subject.
Body: This is the most important part of an essay because this is really the essay itself.
Conclusion: As the introduction should arouse interest the conclusion should satisfy it. A good conclusion consists of a suitable quotation.
Planning is discovering and collecting all the relevant information about the essays. Planning is a key activity in writing any essay because better writing results in better plans. To plan it effectively you should consider the following questions:
1. An essay is a composition on any subject and it has 3 parts:
2. There are 5 steps to writing good essays.
3. Clearly define your subject.
4. There are 4 types of essays.
5. Write in a simple, concise, and natural style.
6. Divide your essay into several paragraphs.
7. Reading various subjects is the very first fall in writing a good one.