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Published by: Zaya

Published date: 06 Jul 2021

Conditional in Class 10 English


Sentences containing conditional clauses like if, unless, provided are called conditional sentences. They express four types of conditions and each type has different structures and meanings.






always real and possible

simple present, simple present

If it rains, we need an umbrella.


possible situations in the present or future.

simple present, will/shall/can/may+v1

simple present, imperatives

If she meets me, I will help her.

If you want to achieve success, work hard.


the unlikely but possible situation in the present or future

simple past, would/could/might+V1

If I were a bird, I could fly high.


unreal situations in the past

past perfect, would/could/might+ have+V3

If they had invited me, I could have come.

Various Structures of Conditional sentences

Positive Conditions:

  • I will do it if you help me. If you like
  • If you like it, you may buy it.

Negative conditions:

  • If you don't work hard, you will fail the exam.
  • If you don't water flowers, they die.

Interrogative conditions:

  • What happens to your laptop if you leave it in the sleeping mode for the whole day?
  • What will you do if he rejects your idea?

Had+ subject+ past participle:

  • Had he come in time, he would have caught the bus.
  • Had I saved my money, I would have bought a dress.

Things to remember:

  • Sentences containing conditional clauses like if, unless, provided are called conditional sentences.
  • They express four types of conditions and each type has different structures and meanings.