Environment and Sustainable Development

Environment and Sustainable Development

Published by: BhumiRaj Timalsina

Published date: 27 Jan 2022

Environment and Sustainable Development in Grade-7, Reference Note


The environment is the surrounding in which we live. It consists of both living and non- living things. It includes living things like plants, animals, micro- organisms etc and non- living things like air, water, soil, sun- light etc. All the living organisms get necessary materials like air, water, food, shelter, etc from the environment. The living organisms perform their all activities on the environment. They utilize the natural resources of the environment.

Concept of Development

Development means positive or progressive change. It is the improvement of certain things that helps to meet requirements or objectives. Human beings perform all the activities on the environment. They utilize the various resources of environment for their benefit or fulfill their needs and desires and makes their life more comfortable and easy. They perform the activities like establishment of factories and industries, construction of canal for irrigation, construction of roads, buildings, and bridges, etc. These activities are known as developmental activities as they improve the lifestyle of human beings. In addition, it also degrades the natural environment. The activities of human beings affect the proper structure of the environment. These activities are not sustainable as it degrades the environment.

Development and Environment

Human beings perform all the activities on the environment. They use the natural resources of the environment. But due to the increasing population, the natural resources are not being used wisely and economically. Human beings are using natural resources very rapidly without caring about the environment. They perform the activities like construction of roads, establishment of factories and industries, bridges, dam etc that affect the natural environment. Deforestation causes landslide and soil erosion. Developmental activities not only affect the environment but developmental activities are also affected by the environmental degradation sometimes. Flood and landslide affect the developmental activities. It also causes huge loss of life and properties. So, development activities should be carried out properly with preservation of the environment. These types of developmental activities are known as sustainable developmental activities as it does not degrade the environment.

Concept of Sustainable Development

Development activities should be carried out in hand with hand along with preservation of the environment. We should carry out the developmental activities depending upon the bearing capacity of natural resources without affecting the environment. We should not use the natural resources excessively to fulfill the demands of increasing population. We should use the natural resources very wisely and economically. If natural resources are not used properly, it degrades the environment and creates difficulties for the existence of other living organisms. It also invites various natural calamities such as landslide, soil erosion, floods etc which may cause huge loss of life and properties. So, to prevent all this problem, the concept of sustainable development has been developed.

The word 'Sustainable Development' is derived from two words, 'sustainable' which means capable of being around for a long time and 'development' means growth. Therefore, sustainable development can be defined as those developmental activities that do not degrade the environment and can be carried on for a long period of time. One of the central principles of sustainable development is living within the limits of consumption of natural resources. In sustainable development, there is an equitable distribution of resources and opportunities. It helps in realizing the interconnections among various developmental aspects and environment. Sustainable development can also be defined as the use of natural resources at present without damaging their condition for the future generations. To maintain balance among the population, natural resources, components of environment and development is the main objective of sustainable development. It is also known as retaining development or bearable development. Some of the advantages of sustainable development are discussed below,

  • Sustainable development does not degrade the environment.
  • It helps to maintain the natural resources for the longer period of time.
  • The development exists for the longer period of time.
  • It does not affect the habitat or lifecycle of the living beings

Nature- Friendly Development

To protect nature and natural resources with their wise and judicious use is the main objective of sustainable development. Sustainable developmental activities help to protect nature, environment and its components for sustainable development. Developmental activities should not be carried out without caring about the environment. Development activities should be carried out without destroying nature and its resources. Nature- friendly development are those developmental activities that are carried out without affecting nature and its resources. Developmental activities should be carried out depending upon the bearing capacity of the natural resources and environment.
The earth is not only home to human beings but it also supports millions of living organisms. Our developmental works not only degrade the environment but it also affects the millions of living organisms living on earth. So, it is a common duty and responsibility of every human to conserve and promote the environment. We should stop or modify those developmental activities that affect the environment.
Nature- friendly development helps to conserve nature and its resources. It not only saves our environment but also helps to fulfill the needs of human beings. According to the concept of sustainable development, the economic benefit should be gained with a limited use of natural resources. To make the developmental activities nature- friendly, following things should be done,

  • Reduction of air pollution: The population of the world is increasing day by day. So, the number of industries, factories and vehicles are also increasing day by day. Harmful gasses and smokes are produced by various industries, factories, old vehicles causing air pollution. Wastes of humans and animals are also major sources of air pollution. To stop air pollution, at first, we should reduce the emission of poisonous gasses from vehicles and industries. Factories and industries should be established far from residential areas. We should stop the old vehicles. Use of fossil fuels, insecticides and pesticides should be reduced. Like this, we can conserve the environment.
  • Conservation of land: Due to the increase in population, the problem of housing is also increasing day by day. People are cutting trees and are using the cultivable land for housing. The cultivable and green lands are slowly converting into cities. To fulfill the needs and desires of increasing population, various industries are being established. These industries affect its surrounding land. The area of cultivable land is decreasing day by day that can lead to the food crisis in the near future. Therefore, we should conserve the land. We should not use pesticides and insecticides. Afforestation should be done in naked lands. We should plant trees on slopes and bare land.
  • Conservation of water resources: The water resources are getting polluted day by day. Harmful chemicals coming from various industries and factories mix with water and thus pollute the water resources. Similarly, wastes of human and animals when mix with water pollute the environment. Various chemical fertilizers used in the land also indirectly pollute the water resources. Water resources are also destroyed during construction of roads, buildings, factories etc. Water is important for all the living organisms. If the pollution of water resources goes like this, then the water resources may disappear in near future that may cause the shortage of drinking water. Therefore, we should conserve the water resources. We should plant the trees around the sources of water. Mixing of harmful chemicals coming from industries and wastes of human and animals should be stopped. The water resources should be preserved during construction of roads, buildings etc.
  • Conservation of rivers, lakes, and other water resources: Developmental activities like construction of roads, buildings, etc destroy the water resources. Water resources are getting polluted day by day due to human activities. Due to which, we are facing the shortage of water in urban as well as rural areas. So, developmental activities should be conducted by preserving water resources like lakes, rivers, ponds, watersheds etc.

Only those development lasts long and becomes sustainable if they are conducted without affecting air, water, and land. Nowadays, it is compulsory to conduct development activities only after environmental impact assessment (EIA).

Efforts on Sustainable Development in Nepal

The concept of sustainable development was considered since a long time. In the past, before carrying out developmental activities, people used to consult seniors or specialists regarding the sustainability. People used to carry out developmental activities along with preservation of the environment. People used to plant trees on the bare and naked land. Similarly, various activities are also conducted in Nepal to make the developmental activities sustainable. Some of them are discussed below,

  • For the conservation of wildlife and natural environment, various protected areas like national parks, wildlife reserves, conservation areas have been established.
  • Before starting the development works, environmental impact assessment is being conducted to conserve natural resources.
  • For the conservation of natural environment, development of eco- tourism has been initiated.
  • Students and local people are being encouraged for environment conservation by making them aware about the importance of the environment.
  • For the conservation of the environment, various organizations and agencies have been established.
  • For the conservation of the environment, deforestation has been discouraged and afforestation has been encouraged.
  • Efforts have been initiated to save natural resources for future by minimizing their use as far as practicable.
  • The involvement of local people is being increased in development works and environment conservation.