Concept of Health, Population and Environment Education

Concept of Health, Population and Environment Education

Published by: Mandira

Published date: 10 Jan 2022

Concept of Health, Population and Environment Education in grade 9

Concept of Health

There are various components in environment such as living things and nonliving things, artificial objects and natural objects like mountain, rivers, trees, animals, plants, etc. The status of environment effects our health condition. 

 Environment education gives information on biological, physical and socio cultural aspects of environment education and motivates the people for the use of the resources in order to maintain ecological balance

Concept of Population


subject matter as it is directly related with each and every human activity. Scope of population education varies according to the situation and need of the country. Consequently, its subject matters vary according to social, economic and political condition of country.

The scope of population education can be divided into the following five categories:

  1. Demography:It is the study of population and deals with the measurement and analysis of birth rate, death rate, migration rate, etc. Birth, death and migration are the major elements of demography. Population change is a biological process. Demography includes birth rate, death rate, sex ratio, dependency ratio, and age- sex pyramid and population growth rate.
  2. Determines of population change:Population change in a places takes place due to birth, death and migration. It also comprises biological, social and cultural aspects which directly affect the elements of population change. It also analyzes the factors like poverty, practices which influences population change.
  3. Consequences of population growth:Rapid population grow directly affects economic, social and environmental aspects of a place. The adverse effects of population growth on people's health are important parts of population education. It also deals with analysis of population growth and its consequences in daily life.
  4. Human sexuality and reproductive system:It includes the fundamental aspects of human sexual and reproduction process like sexual behaviors, development of human reproductive system and associated problems. This scope of population education helps to develop a positive attitude towards reproductive health.
  5. Planning for the future:It includes various aspects of population management like appropriate age at marriage and first conception birth spacing, family planning, family welfare and use of contraceptives.

Thus, population education is important for us to maintain sustainable environment.Population education helps and enables us to be aware of the process and consequence of population growth on the quality of our lives and the environment. The child gets and opportunity to investigate and explore the interaction between the population and their environments, population characteristics, the meaning, the nature of process.

Concept of Environment

The term environment refers to our surrounding which includes physical, biological and socio-cultural aspects. The nonliving things like air, water, land, etc. Come under physical aspects and plants and trees comes under biological aspects and the man-made aspect like culture, religion, customs, etc. come under socio cultural aspects. There is a harmonious relationship among the components of the environment. The status of soil, water and other elements determines the biodiversity because different animals and plants have special adaptability cyclic relationship. Environmental condition determines our health also.

Interrelationship between Health, Population and Environment Eduacation

Health, population and environment education is introduced as an integrated subject due to profound interrelationship that exists among the subject matters of these three disciplines. Any changes in one discipline directly influences changes in other two subjects. For instance, the effect of population growth lies in health and environment aspects. Due to rapid population growth, degradation of the resources takes place. Degradation of environmental resources affect in healthy living. On the other hand, controlled population creates a balanced environment and consequently, it tends to produce healthy people. Therefore, education of health, population and environment acts as supplementary of a one another.

Aspects of health, population and environment which shows the relationship between them:

  • Physical aspect
  • Biological aspect
  • Social and cultural aspects
  • Economic Aspect
  • Science and Technology Aspect
  • Political Aspect
  • Psychological Aspect

Physical aspect

Man produces different physical things to satisfy his/her needs and wants. While producing such materials people use raw materials available in their environment. Thus, the development works like construction of roads, canals, bridge, industries, etc. are the physical environment. This is the reason that the density of population is greater in places where different physical aspects are available. So, the physical aspect is especially interrelated with one other and to various aspects of health and population.

Biological aspect

Various aspects of health and population are related with the biological aspects of environment. Biological things available in various places are different according to the geographical situation. Man gets food items from biological things like plants, birds and animals. Density of population is more on those places where there is fertile and cultivable land. Livestock farming and agriculture production are better on those places. People can get fresh items needed for their life. Their economic condition becomes better. 

Social and cultural aspects

Man has made different social and cultural backgrounds like festivals, religious tradition, life- style, customs, living standard, etc. Various aspects of health, population and environment are related to social and cultural aspects. Competition to spend more to celebrate festivals and ceremonies effects the economic condition of the people. If people use excessive food in such traditions that also has adverse effect on their health. It is necessary for us to build such traditions that to do affect the environment get polluted. Then, diseases like cholera, dysentery and typhoid may spread sometimes it could lead to ultimate death of people. So, several activities should be organized without affecting the natural environment. 

Economic Aspect

The economic aspect has direct relationship with the various aspects of health, population and environment. It the economic aspect of the country is weak, it is reflected on health of the people. To satisfy their immediate needs, people excessively use environment resources like air, water, land, plants, etc. Excessive use of them degrades the environment. It causes imbalance in environment. 

Science and Technology Aspect

The development of science and technology has had an impact on every field. It has made the people easy to move here and there. It has made easy for them to get different knowledge about the countries in the world. People can easily perform different task with the help of different equipment, machines, and instruments. The proper use of science and technology has had positive effect and misuse of it has had dangerous impact on the environment in every field.

Political Aspect

It refers to the formation of policies at the administrative and government level. The political aspect of the country affects all aspects of the health, population and environment education. If there is political commitment to develop these aspects, according to the changing time and circumstances, various programmes will be given priorities from the government. Environment resources will get properly utilized and it helps to conserve the environment. Various population programmes will be conducted. As a result productive human beings will be produced which, can be utilized for development works.

Psychological Aspect

arious aspects of health, population and environment education are related to the people’s feeling, thinking and altitudes. They may be attributed to the psychological aspect. The feelings for the conservation and protection must come from the inner core of the heart of man. They will help to keep surrounding neat, clean and also helps to conserve birds, animals and plants sincerely. The habit of proper management of wastage must being from each household. Such habit helps to keep the environment neat, clean and green.