Concept of First Aid

Concept of First Aid

Published by: Mandira

Published date: 12 Jan 2022

Concept of First Aid in Grade 9

Concept of First Aid

The first treatment given to the victim before arrival of doctor is known as First Aid. Immediate care and primary treatment is needed to the victim before taking them to hospital.

The objectives of First Aid are as follows:

  • To prevent the injured person's condition from getting worse.
  • To take injured person to the doctor.
  • To give rest and consolation.

Importance of First Aid

Some accidents are minor whereas some are serious. Minor accidents can be cured by ordinary person but serious accidents cannot be cured without help of doctors. But without first aid, the victim cannot reach searching such medical care. Therefore, it is very important aspect of preventive health.

Some of the importance's of First Aid are as follows:

  • Can reduce physical and mental pain of the victim.
  • Prevents the victims conditions from further deterioration.
  • Saves the life of the injured person.
  • Helps the physician to know previous situation of victim.

First Aid to Wound

Wounds is caused by various accidents in our body. Wound is caused by cutting and thrashing by weapons, pricking by sharp weapons, etc. It does not take time to heal a minor wound, but it takes longer time if the wound is deep.

The three things should be considered while giving first aid to wound. They are:

  • Cleaning the wound.
  • Stopping the bleeding
  • Closing the wound.

Cleaning the wound

Wound should be cleaned properly with soap or any other antiseptic and water. The wound should also be covered with soft cotton in order to protect it from germs. If the wound is caused by rusty or sharp objects then TT injection should be given.

Stopping the bleeding

The bleeding should be stopped from the wound. Clean and soft clothes should be wrapped over the wound to press the wound gently. A use of tourniquet is a method like bandage which can also stop bleeding.

The steps of using tourniquet

  • Raise wounded part above its natural position.
  • Continue to pressing the wounded part.
  • Tight the place above the wound with the pad of clean and soft cloth or belt.
  • Keep the pad of soft cloth in the tightening place.
  • Do not tight too much causing the arm or thigh to be blue.
  • Loosen the tying for some second in every 20 minutes.

Closing the Wound

If the wound is very deep , the edges should be closed with a piece of cloth. When the wound is serious, the patient should be taken to hospital. The wound recover faster if it is treated well.

First Aid to Allergy

Sensitive reaction to a substance which does not cause serve harm but causes intolerable discomfort is called allergy. The allergy producing substance is called allergen. The symptoms of allergy vary from person to person. Some types of symptoms of allergy are itching,rashing, eyes turning red, felling fever, nose running, face becoming red, sneezing, felling uneasy, fainting etc.

Allergens also differ from person to person. Some of the examples of allergens are cold weather, hot weather, dust, spider, animals with feather etc. But all these are not allergens for all.

Treatment of Allergy

To avoid the things which are allergen is the best way to prevent from allergy. If the symptoms are emerged, we should try to find out the cause. Keep the patient away from allergen and manage the medical treatment. First aid of allergy is to provide the medical treatment as far as possible. Medicine should be given according to the types of allergy. As the first aid provider cannot find all types of medicine of allergy, it is best to transfer patient for medical treatment.