Published by: Nuru
Published date: 18 Mar 2022
Market segmentation also called market segregation is the process of dividing large, heterogeneous(dissimilar) markets into smaller, homogenous (similar) markets. It is also called the process by which an organization attempts to match a total marketing program to the unique manner or needs of one or more customer groups behave in the marketplace.
Concept of Market:
The place concept: A market can be defined as a place where buyers and sellers meet and function goods and services are offered for sale and transfer of ownership of the title occur.
An area or region concept: A market is an area of potential exchanges that is a group of buyers and sellers interested in negotiating the terms of purchases and sales of goods and services.
The demand concept: The demand concept of the market states as people need to satisfy the money to spend and the will or desire to spend that money to satisfy wants and needs.
Characteristics of Market are:
Concept of segmentation:
A market consists of a heterogeneous mix of people or businesses with wants to satisfy, money to spend, and the willingness to spend it. Therefore, while segmenting a market, consumers are divided into different groups on the basis of demographic, economic, socio-cultural, psychological, psychoanalytic, etc. factors. After the classification of consumers into various groups, elements of the marketing mix are designed to match each group of consumers.
With the increasing competition and diversity of consumer preferences, it has become almost impossible for marketers to satisfy aggregated or undifferentiated markets. Therefore, it is necessary for the marketers to segments such as mass or aggregated or undifferentiated markets into many smaller or differentiated markets. Differentiating the market enables marketers to be in a position of satisfying consumer needs even in a competitive environment and achieve the desired goal.
For example, a marketer is dealing in readymade garments to satisfy people of all age groups. When competition increases in the market, the marketer increasingly feels difficult in the market. Unless additional investment is made to expand its operation or in research and development activities to develop or diversify products to meet competition, s/he may be unable to fulfill the needs of the whole market. Therefore, in these situations, a marketer may be willing to select a particular target group whose needs can be easily fulfilled. For example, s/he may be willing to deal in only adult dresses and avoid producing or marketing for children. They may also focus only on specific urban areas or rural areas.
Objectives of segmentation are listed below in points:
Process of Market Segmentation:
The first step is to the identification of potential market segments where a marketer wishes to and has the capability to enter the market. For that, marketers must focus on different factors such as consumers' tastes, needs, preferences, sex, age, consumer size, product characteristics, etc. Here, for that, it needs to collect data to have that information.
After, the identification of market segments, the marketer should analyze each segment to determine their similarities and dissimilarities. One should prepare a separate profile for each segment identified which needs different marketing strategies.
Now, in the evaluation process, each segment is evaluated on different aspects like demand for each component of a product market, the competitive position of the company in each segment, segment size, and profit size, potential corporate goals, and objectives in the market segment.
After the evaluation, marketers should select the best segment which offers the greatest opportunities for the company connected with profits, image, meeting the company's goal and objecting, etc.
Once the firm selects a market segment, it must find the attributes and images of each competitors' product and choose a position for its product for making the target market more accessible. So, it must develop a positioning strategy after selecting market segments as they are completely new to the customers.
After positioning, the company should develop an overall marketing plan and program to communicate to the target customer. Different aspects of the marketing mix are product, distribution, price, promotion.
Requirement for an Effective Segmentation:
Levels of Marketing Segmentation are described below in brief:
Mass Marketing
Segment Marketing :
Niche Marketing :
Local Marketing:
Individual Marketing:
Bases/variables for Segmenting a Market
Classification of Market:
a. Consumer Market Segmentation Base
b. Industrial or Organizational Market
a. Consumer Market Segmentation Base
Demographic aspects:
Psychographic aspects:
Behavioral aspects:
Geographic aspects:
b. Industrial or Organizational Market