Product Mix and Line Strategy

Product Mix and Line Strategy

Published by: Nuru

Published date: 21 Mar 2022

Product Mix and Line Strategy in Principles of Marketing - reference notes

Product Mix and Line Strategy:

Product Mix also called product assortments is the set of all product lines and items that a particular seller offers for sale to buyers. A product mix may have four dimensions; breadth, length, depth, and consistency.

Product Mix Strategy:

While deciding on the company's product mix, the company may have the following four strategies:

  • Product-mix Expansion Strategy
  • Product-mix Contraction
  • Alteration of existing products
  • Trading Up and Trading Down Strategy

Product Line:

Product Line is a group of products that are in some way related-by being alternatives to fulfilling the same customer need, by being marketed to the same target markets or through the same distribution network, or by being in a common price category. In order to expand or improve the product line, marketers should focus on the following aspects:

  1. Product-Line Analysis
  2. Product-Line Length
  3. Line Modernization Decision
  4. Line Featuring Decision
  5. Line Pruning Decision