Published by: Nuru
Published date: 14 Jun 2021
Ian Robertson conducted his research and brought out the major four types of socialization. Socialization is a life-long learning process. They are:
Primary Socialization:
Primary socialization begins' s at home. The fundamental knowledge is given to a child. Linguistic power, cognitive skills, Love and care, internalization of norms and values, family code of conduct, sense of right and wrong, morality, and human virtues are given to a child by parents, family members, and relatives.
Anticipatory Socialization:
Socialization takes place not only at home but also outside in different times and spaces in his life. It is the learning process in which an individual learns the culture of different groups according to social context and situation. If an individual would like to join to Nepalese army then he has to learn the military culture, its training, and other behavioral patterns. Similarly, he can join the school of arts and crafts, literary clubs, dance, and music institutions to learn good things. Literature provides bizarre knowledge about human life. It helps to see human life through larger avenues.
Developmental Socialization:
Under this process, an individual develops his personality by blending the existing knowledge with new knowledge. A BBA student can enlarge his knowledge management by engaging in further academic activities and research work. He gets an MBA, M. Phil, Ph.D., and the like on the journey of development socialization in academia.
In order to adjust to the new situation, an individual should be able to develop new skills, working procedures, and new knowledge. Organizational objectives and goals do change over a period of time. In this advance and high mobile security, an individual should be ready for getting new techniques for doing things.
Process of Socialization:
1. Reflexes:
Reflexes put the limitation upon socialization. They are the automatic and rigid responses of an organism to a given stimulus. They set a limit on what the organism can do. The reflection of a family and academia has a great influence on a child in order to shape his images.
2. Instincts:
Instinct is the inborn quality of an individual. Biological instinct is mediated through pleasure-seeking tendencies. Freud, the founder of the psychoanalytical school of thought opines that sex instinct to be the source of all human endeavors. Similarly, Trottier is of opinion that all human behavior is based on animal instinct but Smith articulates that sympathy and compassion are the basis of all human behaviors. In the process of socialization, biological instinct is reformed into social instincts.
3. Urges:
It provides firmer ground for analysis of human behavior. If human needs are not satisfied that forces him towards the action. The inner will of an individual, his wants and requirements, his art of talking, and his democratic attitude trigger him to establish relationships with others. His inner urges lead him to learn more and more.
4. Capacities:
Everyone is born with nearly defined capacities though his capacities to learn may be increased by the development of new techniques of instructions and incentives. Intelligence and high cranial capacities force him to learn more and more.
5. Comprehension and Educability:
Each individual has his own way of understanding. How much the knowledge and reason-based ideas given to him that matters to his understanding level. His ability to comprehend the texts and contexts determines the degree of learning.