Published by: Nuru
Published date: 14 Jun 2021
Sexual violence is an attempt to obtain a sexual act by violence directed against the will of a person's sexuality. Historically speaking, it has occurred in times of peace and armed conflict situations in particular and is considered to be one of the most traumatic, pervasive, and most common human rig violations in the modern world.
It is a serious public head problem and has a profound short or long-term impact on physical and, mental health, such as an increased risk of sexual and reproductive health problems or an increased risk of suicide and HIV infection. Though women and girls suffer disproportionately from these aspects it can occur to anybody at any age.
It is rather an aggressive act that frequently aims to express power and dominance over the victim for sexual purposes. Domestic sexual violence is distinguished from conflict-related sexual violence.
Often, people who coerce their spouses into sexual acts believe their actions are legitimate because they are married.
Historical perspective
In times of conflict, it tends to be an inevitable repercussion of warfare trapped in an ongoing cycle of impunity. The rape of women and of men is often used as a method of warfare that happened in human history.
From a historical perspective, it was considered as only happening to women and as being commonplace and "normal" during both war and peace times from the Ancient Greeks to the 20th century.
Sexual assault, sexual harassment, incest, intimate partner sex are some illustrations of sexual violence. For the last couple of years, rape has become a severe problem in our society.
Moral decay, the urbanization process, the impact of erotic pornography, ambiguity in the law, unemployment, changing trend of delayed marriage, circular migration for employment, lack of sex knowledge, absence of moral education, fantasy, and images of cinema regarding sex and sexuality are the social enablers to increase the velocity of sexual violation.