Published by: Nuru
Published date: 14 Jun 2021
Sexuality is the feelings and behaviors linked to sex either through biology or social learning. It is a discourse and knowledge of sex matters and their vivid practices. Research shows that sex drive is a predisposed biological character as well as a psychological phenomenon to seek sexual and sex-related responses from one or more others, usually of the opposite sex.
It awakens in early teens and remains powerful throughout human life. Sexual attraction and sometimes eroticism are prominent in art, music, literature, and cultural productions.
Anthropological literature shares the knowledge that anthropoid human species does have the continuous sexuality re are some species whose male and females associate continuously while some mating only seasonally but sexes associate continuously.
The person who enjoys sex experience together wishes to repeat it again for pleasure. Some species mate for life and are strictly faithful to their mates; others are promiscuous with the female mating with any mates available. The inner desire of variety and continuous biological instinct makes a person feel continuous sexuality.
The sexual variety includes polygamy, concubine, the mistress system, and post-marital affair which is inherent in Id as Id is driven through pleasure-seeking tendency. Often adultery is condemned in almost all societies because of cultural standards. Ego and superego restrict as they are guided through morality and rational-based principles but ego aims to materialize it within premises of societal norms or through practical principle.
Sexual feelings and behavior are culturally patterned and vary from society to society and from time to time. It is described below:
Sexual issues have taken an important place in modern days as sex has been commoditized.