Published by: Nuru
Published date: 14 Jun 2021
Stages of Socialization means the overall stages in which the child learns to participate in social roles as social well-being. It proceeds from simplicity to complexity. At each stage of socialization, the child internalizes a system of roles according to his changing status.
Psychologists (Freud and his followers) are of opinion that the socialization process consists of four stages from infancy to childhood. They are:
1. Oral Stage:
This stage begins with the birth of the child and continues up to the completion of one year. A child fulfills his desires by weeping. By means of crying the child establishes his oral dependency on his parents. He gives the signals for his felt needs. Freud is of opinion that it is the stage of primary identification. Under this stage, the child merges his identity with his mother. Weeping, laughing, uttering, and the two-syllable words are developed in the oral stage.
2. Anal Stage:
The second stage begins soon after the first year and habits. Toilet training continues until the third year. He is taught sanitary the major focus of new concern. He is instructed to ask for a short toilet or a long toilet. After being socialized he may say 'Mamu su', 'Mamu aaku' for the restroom. It means that he comes to know about his restroom culture. He is enabled between correct and incorrect actions. He comes to know about good deeds are rewarded and misdeeds are punished.
3. Oedipal Stage
It starts from three to thirteen years. The child learns linguistic power, builds rapport not only within family networks with other members of society which helps him to be a member of society. He comes to know his ascribed status and roles given to him.
According to Freud, the boy develops the 'Oedipus Complex' and the girl develops the 'Electra Complex. It is the Harmon that forces them to feel sex and sexuality. The boy becomes jealous of his father and loves his mother and the girl becomes jealous of his mother and loves towards father. The boy tries to identify himself as a father and a girl identifies herself as a mother.
4. The Stage of Adolescence:
It begins from thirteen and continues till nineteen years. There is a physical and psychological change within individuals. During this stage, the boys and girls try to become free from parental control but cannot completely escape from their dependence on their parents. It is the stage of storm and stress. The adolescents learn new roles and new behavior patterns and internalize new social norms associated with them. Curiosity in sex and sexuality, anxiety, anger, role confusion, fantasy towards life and daydreaming are some adolescent attributes in modern society.
5. Adult Stage:
It is a prolonged and tough social process in which adulthood is considered to be independent and take responsibilities with honesty. It is designed to help the person to gain specific skills Under this process they are socialized to specific jobs which are lifelong struggles and achievements.