Published by: Nuru
Published date: 14 Jun 2021
Pornography refers to sexual behavior and a wide range of materials displayed through audiovisual forms. It is displayed through computer networks, drawings, paintings, videos, magazines, and print capitalism. The use of sexual content (visual, auditory, and written form) for the purpose of sexual arousal and stimulation has become the common cultural phenomena especially among youths in modern society.
Pornography can be thought of as all sexually explicit material intended primarily to arouse the reader, viewer, and listener. Sociological literature has found four categories of pornography which is illegal by law.
They are:
Indecent material includes messages or pictures on telephone, radio, or broadcast TV that are patently offensive descriptions of sexual organs or activities. It is often referred to as sexual nudity and dirty words.
Similarly, material harmful to minors represents nudity or sex that has prurient appeal for minors, is offensive and unsuitable for minors, and lacks serious value for minors.
Similarly, Obscenity or hardcore is graphic material that focuses on sex and/or sexual violence. It includes close-ups of graphic sex acts, lewd exhibition of the genitals, and deviant activities such as group sex, bestiality, torture, incest, and excretory functions.
And child pornography is material that visually depicts children under the age of 18 engaged in actual or simulated sexual activity, including a lewd exhibition of the genitals.
Mark Liechy (2010) conducted the research in Kathmandu by deploying a class-based model regarding pornography and its commercial consumption among middle-class family and their consumerist culture. He argues that the Pornographic hardcore western screen has been available in Kathmandu.
He revealed the data from Kirtipur, Jaisidewal, Thamel, and other corresponding areas and studied how commodities are being changed in sex, sexual, and digital cultural productions.
He took a number of interviews with muddle class consumers and came to the conclusion that modern materialistic society has become consumers of pornography. Freedom. modernity and fantasy are expressed in the public sphere and in their bourgeoisie culinary locations.