Published by: Nuru
Published date: 14 Jun 2021
In general, social control is the control of society over the individual. Rousseau’s Book ‘Social Contract ‘ Mentioned a famous sentence,” Man is born free and everywhere he is in chains. It is true that man cannot be absolutely free in society. Attainment of individual happiness is the main aim of social life. Happiness can be attained not with unbounded freedom for action but with restricted behavior. Thus, Man has given the power of exercising control over his behavior.
Social Control refers to the control of society over the individual. The survival and smooth functioning of society are possible only when there is:
It is possible only when members of society follow certain rules and norms that existed in society.
Definitions of Social Control:
Types of Social Control:
Formal Control:
Informal Social Control:
Agencies of Social Control:
Control by law:
Control by Education:
Control by Coercion
Control by Customs:
Control by Religion:
Control by Norms/Values/Beliefs