Published by: Nuru
Published date: 14 Jun 2021
Group and Organization is a collection of individuals characterized by uniformity and having the same sentiments and goals as an organization. It is formed on the basis of interest, the similarity in age, class, cultural aspects, and psychological proximity. The members of the group stimulate and respond to one another in some meaningful way. The mutual stimulation and response of individuals create solidarity and mutual awareness. It is a system of interaction that brings them together for-their collective good. Group and Organization is a collection of individuals characterized by uniformity and having the same sentiments and goals as an organization. It is formed on the basis of interest, is a number of units of anything in dose proximity to one another.
They have common objects of attention, common loyalty, and trust mediated through primary relationships. Group and Organization is a collection of individuals characterized by uniformity and having the same sentiments and goals as an organization. It is formed on the basis of interest, is an aggregate of people, playing interrelated rules and recognized by themselves as a unit of interaction. It is a plurality of individuals who are in contact with one another. It is the group of people persisting interaction directed towards non-goals and using agreed-upon means. Reciprocal relations, sense of unity, common interest, similar behavior, common sentiment, and goals are some attributes for group solidarity. Both strengths and weaknesses grow from the manner in which a person is integrated into a network of groups.
Major Types of Group:
Major Types of Group Groups have been classified into different sections on the basis of racial features, territorial identity, religious beliefs, the similarity in age and sex composition, nature of government, caste and class formation, nature of the occupation, blood relationships, range of group interest, degree of mobility and so on.
1. Primary Group:
The primary members know each other and are close to each other. Face-to-face relationships, intimacy, and trust are the major salient features of primary members. Family members, club members, and musical band members are some examples of the primary groups. Small, in size, kind and cooperation, compromise, high integration, and tolerance are some characters of the primary group.
2. Secondary Group:
Members are working in the same organization without having a close connection with each other. They have the same faith and ideology but do not know each other very close to each other. There are a hierarchy and disparity in their statuses and roles. The member's Lion's club working in central and district level organizations have secondary relationships with each other. Formal and impersonal relations' larger in size, formal rules, goal-oriented, the status of an individual depends on his role are some attributes of the secondary group.
3. Tertiary Group:
The group members have the same loyalty and trust with each other though they do not know each other. The voters of the Nepali Congress as a democratic party have some political ideology but do not know each other that are scattered throughout the country. They are tertiary members of the same political ideology.
Characteristics of Group
1. It is a Union of Two or More than Individuals
2. Members have Mutual Awareness
3. Provision of Reciprocity and We-feelings
4. Provisions of Group Solids
5. Same Objectives, Interest, and Goals
6. The group is Dynamic in Character
7. It can be permanent and temporary
8. Each Group has its Own Norms and Values
9. There is a Distribution of Division of Labor
10. There is a Pattern of Interaction and the Provision of Influence
It is an architecture of different parts that perform various functions formally. It encompasses interdependent parts for their own specific status and role. The organization is an entity comprising multiple people, such as an institution or an association that has a collective goal and is linked to an external environment.
Major Types of Organisation
Formal Organisation
They are those organizations that are characterized by specific functions, specialized divisions of labor, a hierarchy of authority, rationality, and proper arrangements of status and roles. They are systematically planned and carried out efficiently and expertly.
Informal Organisation
They are established by the members of society to fulfill their immediate needs. The members are tied together for their collective good. The members work together not in their official capacities but as persons. Peer groups, friendship groups can form their informal office to fulfill their vested interest. Norms are more subtle.
Characteristics of the Organisation
1. It has a Definite Purpose
2 Provision of Consensus among the Members
3. Provision of Harmony between Statuses and Roles.
4 It has its own Controlling Mechanism
Weber's View on Bureaucracy
Bureaucracy is a type of hierarchical organization that is designed rationally to coordinate the work of many individuals in pursuit of large-scale administrative tasks. They are the large-scale formal organization that is highly differentiated and organized through the elaboration of policies and procedures in a hierarchy of authority.
According to Weber Bureaucracies are organized according to rational principles, officials are ranked in a hierarchical order and operations are characterized by impersonal roles. Historically speaking, the bureaucracy was a government administration managed by departments staffed with non-elected officials.
Today, bureaucracy is the administrative system governing any large institution mediated through formal qualification, formal exam, and merit-based selection. 'Lok Sewa Ayog' is an authorized institution in order to select the bureaucratic staff in our context. They are large-scale organizations (executive, judiciary, and legislative) owned by the government in order to provide goods and services to the citizens. He felt that the operation of modem large-scale organizations or enterprises in the political, administrative, and economic fields would be impossible without bureaucracy.