Inheritance, Interfaces and Packages

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Inheritance, Interfaces and Packages

Published by: Dikshya

Published date: 26 Jun 2023

Inheritance, Interfaces and Packages



Inheritance is a mechanism in object-oriented programming that allows classes to inherit properties and behaviors from other classes. Inheritance establishes an "is-a" relationship between classes, where a subclass (also known as a derived class) inherits characteristics from a superclass (also known as a base class).

For example, consider a class hierarchy for different types of vehicles. The superclass could be Vehicle, and subclasses could be Car, Motorcycle, and Truck. The subclasses would inherit common properties and behaviors from the Vehicle class while adding their own specific characteristics.


An interface defines a contract for a set of methods that a class must implement. It specifies the method signatures (name, parameters, and return types) without providing any implementation details. Interfaces allow for abstraction and provide a way to achieve polymorphism.

A class can implement one or more interfaces, thereby guaranteeing that it will provide implementations for all the methods defined in those interfaces. This allows objects of different classes to be treated uniformly when they share a common interface.

For example, consider an Animal interface with a method makeSound(). Various classes like Dog, Cat, and Bird can implement the Animal interface and provide their own implementation of the makeSound() method. This allows different types of animals to be treated interchangeably when interacting with the Animal interface.


Packages are used to organize related classes and interfaces into a hierarchical structure. They provide a way to encapsulate classes and help avoid naming conflicts. Packages also facilitate code maintenance and reusability by allowing developers to modularize their codebase.

In Java, for example, packages are represented as directories in the file system. Classes and interfaces are grouped within these directories based on the package hierarchy. Packages are typically named using a reverse domain name convention to ensure uniqueness, such as com.example.mypackage.

You may manage access to classes and improve code organization by grouping classes into packages. Additionally, packages make it possible to utilize the import statement to only import the classes required in a specific code file, hence avoiding namespace bloat.

In summary, interfaces create a contract for classes to implement, inheritance allows classes to inherit properties from other classes, and packages aid in organizing and modularizing code into logical chunks. These ideas are crucial to object-oriented programming in order to provide maintainability, abstraction, and code reuse.