Published by: sadikshya
Published date: 24 Jun 2021
This is the question set along with answers of Object-Oriented Programming Fall 2017, which was taken by Pokhara University.
POKHARA UNIVERSITY – Object-Oriented Programming Fall 2017
Level: Bachelor Semester: Fall Year:2017
Program: BBA/BBA-BI/BCIS/BHCM/BBA-TT Full Marks: 100
Course: Object-Oriented Programming Pass Marks: 45
Time: 3 hrs
Section “A”
Very Short Answer Questions
Section “B”
Descriptive Answer Questions
Attempt any six questions
11. hat is Dynamic Method Dispatch? Explain method overloading and method overriding with example.
12. Write a Java program to accept 10 integer numbers from user. Calculate the odd sum and even sum separately and display it on console.
13. What is inheritance? Explain types of Inheritance with suitable example.
a)Write a program to demonstrate Arithmetic Exception Handling.
b)Write a program showing the uses of is Alive() and join() methods of Thread.
14. Explain different Layout Managers available in java.
16. Explain Byte Streams and Character Streams. What is the purpose of Data Input Stream and Data Output Stream classes? Write a program to write an integer, double and Boolean data in a file called “Primitives.dat”. And again read those data from the file and display it in console.
17. What are Collections? Explain the uses of Linked List and Array list with an example.
Section “C”
Case Analysis
Eye Clinic in Kathmandu planning to develop a system that helps to keep record of patient who visits the clinic for eye checkup. They named system as “Patient Management System”. You are hired to develop system which includes patient information form. You are required to design the form according to the figure given below. With the help of information given develop patient information form of patient management system.
When the user clicks on the add button then you have to accept all information from the patient form and display all the information in Dialog Box using J Option Pane.