Computer Language

Computer Language

Published by: BhumiRaj Timalsina

Published date: 16 Jan 2022

Computer Language in grade 9, Reference Note

It is a type of artificial language used to communicate with computer. We know that a computer is an electronic device works on ON and OFF (1 AND 0) Technique to read and write data. We use several languages to communicate with others, just like it, we use several computers to communicate with other computers e.g. BASIC, COBOL, PASCAL, FORTRAN etc. Computer understands only computer language written in binary or simple English followed by special syntax.

Types of Computer languages

  • Machine level language
  • Low level language
  • High level language
  • Advance high level language


Machine Code (Machine Languages)

Computer dependent language written in binary is called Machine code or Machine language. Machine code requires a high level programming skill along with sound knowledge of computer architecture and functions. Instructions written in binary are immediately executable without help of any language translators because computer understands only machine codes.


  • It is written on machine code so no need to translate it into machine language.
  • It has faster execution than other languages.
  • Other translator type subsidiary programs are not required.


  • It is difficult to understand and develop a program using machine language.
  • It is machine-oriented language.
  • The knowledge of computer internal architectures is essential for program coding.
  • Time consuming coding.
  • Debugging is tough and difficult.

Low Level Language

It is a low-level language in which some high level words are used with machine codes. These words are called mnemonics. Some mnemonics are given below:

  • ADD for Addition
  • SUB for Subtraction

Assembly language require ASSEMBLER to translate assembly language code into computer understandable code (Machine code). So, it is not immediately executable. It is difficult to develop the program using this immediately executable. It is difficult to develop the program using this language.


  • Coding is faster than machine code language because mnemonics are used for program coding.
  • Less time consumed respect to Machine code languages.
  • Debugging is easy.


  • Machine oriented language
  • The good knowledge of machine architectures is required.
  • Time consuming
  • Translator is used to translate program into machine code.
  • Not as fast as machine code language in case of execution.

High level language

High level language contains a set of instructions written in simple English. It is a set of some symbols, words and rules to instruct machine. The language is oriented towards the problem and procedures. Program written in high level language is called source program. A language translator is used to translate into object code (Machine code).


  • Simple English is used for program coding.
  • Machine independent
  • Problem and procedure oriented
  • The knowledge of computer architectures is not necessary.
  • It requires less time for program coding.
  • Program can be debugged easily


  • Since it is written in user's language so it should be converted into machine code.So it requires a translator.
  • The execution of the program is slower than machine code.
  • The conversion time is slower than assembly language because it is entirely written on human language.

4GL (4th Generation Language)

It is a high level language in which fewer instruction codes are used to accomplish a particular task. It is non-procedural language. Major 4th generation languages are used to get information from files and databases. These are Database oriented programming language.



  • Software developed using 4GL are user friendly.
  • It is very easy to develop a program because no need to remember the commands and instructions for the program development and we can use drag and drop type command button to develop the program. These buttons are available on the system that helps to develop the program.


  • Program runs slower because it is heavy in size and design.
  • It is required to devote longer time to convert into machine code.
  • Huge sized powerful translators are required to convert.