Resident Monitor

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Resident Monitor

Published by: Zaya

Published date: 22 Jun 2021

Resident Monitor Photo

Resident Monitor

If we talk about how the code runs on Bare machines, then this component is used, so basically, the Resident Monitor is a code that runs on Bare Machines.
The resident monitor works like an operating system that controls the instructions and performs all necessary functions. It also works as a job sequencer because it also sequences the job and sends them to the processor.

After scheduling the job Resident monitors loads the programs one by one into the main memory according to their sequences. One most important factor about the resident monitor is that when the program execution occurred there is no gap between the program execution and the processing is going to be faster.

The Resident monitors are divided into 4 parts as:

1. Control Language Interpreter

2. Loader

3. Device Driver

4. Interrupt Processing

 Resident Monitor

These are explained as following below.

  1. Control Language Interpreter:
    The first part of the Resident monitor is a control language interpreter which is used to read and carry out the instruction from one level to the next level.
  2. Loader:
    The second part of the Resident monitor which is the main part of the Resident Monitor is the Loader which Loads all the necessary system and application programs into the main memory.
  3. Device Driver:
    The third part of the Resident monitor is the Device Driver which is used to managing the connecting input-output devices to the system. So basically it is the interface between the user and the system. it works as an interface between the request and response. the request which user made, Device driver responds that the system produces to fulfill these requests.
  4. Interrupt Processing:
    The fourth part as the name suggests, processes the all occurred interrupt to the system.