Group Decision Making

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Group Decision Making

Published by: Zaya

Published date: 22 Jun 2021

Group Decision Making Photo

Group Decision Making:

Group decision-making refers to the decisions made by a group of organizational members. Decisions are taken either by an individual or by a group. This decision is taken by the organizational members.

Decision-making is the process of selecting a course of action from several alternatives. It involves diagnosis, defining, identify the source of the problem, and information gathering and analyzing the facts.

  • The quality and timeliness of decisions making process can have a significant impact on group effectiveness.
  • The benefit of group decision-making facilitates resource utilization, implementation, and problem-solving.

Advantages Of GDM:

  • More complete information and knowledge
  • Generates more alternatives
  • Increased acceptance of a solution
  • Increased legitimacy

Disadvantages Of GDM:

  • Time-consuming
  • Minority domination
  • Pressures to conform
  • Ambiguous responsibility

Issues in Group Decision Making:

  • Group polarization(group shift)
  • Group thinking


1. Group polarization(group shift):

Member's attitudes and opinions concerning an issue or a solution may change during group discussion. Some studies of this tendency may change during group discussions. Some have shown the change to be a fairly consistent movement towards a more risky solution, called "risky shift". Other studies and analyses have revealed that the group-induced shift is not always towards more risk. Again, the group is just as likely to move towards more risk.

Group polarization occurs when the average of the group members' post-discussion attitudes tends to be more extreme than average pre-discussion attitudes.

2. Group Think:

It is related to group norms. It describes the situation in which group pressures for conformity discourage the group from critically appraising unusual, minority, or unpopular views. Groupthink is a discard that attacks many groups and can dramatically hinder their predominance.

Techniques of Group Decision Making:

  1. Brainstorming
  2. Normal Group technique(NGT)
  3. Delphi technique
  4. Electronic meeting



This technique is an active process of discussion by generating ideas and alternatives as far as possible between members of the group.

Delphi Technique:

It is a technique or method, developed as a systematic, interactive decision-making method that relies on a panel of experts.

Nominal Group Technique:

is a group process involving problem identification, solution generation, and decision making. It can be used in groups of many sizes, who want to make their decision quickly, as by a vote, but want everyone's opinions taken into account.