Traditional and Modern Approaches to Conflict Management

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Traditional and Modern Approaches to Conflict Management

Published by: Dikshya

Published date: 28 Jul 2023

Traditional and Modern Approaches to Conflict Management

Traditional and Modern Approaches to Conflict Management


Conflict is an inherent part of human interactions, and various approaches have been developed over time to manage and resolve conflicts effectively. Traditional approaches to conflict management have been practiced for centuries, while modern approaches have emerged with advancements in social science, psychology, and organizational theory. This note will compare and contrast the characteristics of traditional and modern conflict management approaches.

I. Traditional Approaches to Conflict Management:

1. Avoidance:

- Description: Avoidance is a passive approach where conflicting parties choose to ignore or sidestep the issue at hand.

- Characteristics: It emphasizes temporary peace but does not address the underlying causes of conflict. It may lead to tension escalation over time.

2. Accommodation:

- Description: Accommodation involves one party giving in to the demands or preferences of the other to maintain harmony.

- Characteristics: It may promote short-term resolution but can foster resentment and power imbalances between parties.

3. Competition:

- Description: Competition involves pursuing one's interests aggressively, often at the expense of others.

- Characteristics: It may lead to a win-lose outcome, heightening hostility and damaging relationships between the conflicting parties.

4. Compromise:

- Description: Compromise seeks to find a middle ground where both parties make concessions to reach an agreement.

- Characteristics: While it can provide a partial resolution, compromises may not fully address the root causes of the conflict.

5. Collaboration:

- Description: Collaboration encourages open communication and joint problem-solving to find a mutually beneficial resolution.

- Characteristics: It fosters creativity, better understanding, and the potential for long-term, sustainable solutions.

II. Modern Approaches to Conflict Management:

1. Integrative Negotiation:

- Description: Integrative negotiation focuses on creating value and expanding the pie for both parties, seeking solutions where both can benefit.

- Characteristics: It emphasizes cooperation, shared interests, and creative problem-solving, aiming for win-win outcomes.

2. Mediation:

- Description: Mediation involves a neutral third party facilitating communication and negotiation between conflicting parties.

- Characteristics: It helps parties explore interests, find common ground, and develop mutually satisfactory agreements.

3. Arbitration:

- Description: Arbitration is a more formal process where an impartial third party renders a binding decision on the conflict.

- Characteristics: It offers a structured resolution, providing a faster and less costly alternative to litigation.

4. Restorative Justice:

- Description: Restorative justice focuses on repairing harm caused by the conflict and restoring relationships within the community.

- Characteristics: It emphasizes dialogue, accountability, and healing, promoting long-term reconciliation.


Both traditional and modern approaches to conflict management have their merits and limitations. Traditional methods may provide quick fixes but often fail to address the underlying issues, leading to recurring conflicts. In contrast, modern approaches emphasize collaboration, empathy, and a deeper understanding of the parties' needs, aiming for more sustainable and mutually beneficial resolutions. Organizations and individuals can benefit from adopting modern conflict management practices to promote harmonious relationships and achieve constructive outcomes in the face of conflict.