

Published by: Sareena Kumari Basnet

Published date: 29 Jul 2024



Recoverability in Database Management Systems (DBMS) refers to the system's ability to recover from failures and maintain database consistency. This is a critical part of database administration that protects data integrity and ensures reliability. Recoverability entails ensuring that transactions are properly managed, such that in the case of a failure, the database can be returned to a consistent state.

Recoverable Schedule

Schedules in which transactions commit only after all transactions whose changes they read commit, are called recoverable schedules.

  • If a transaction Tj reads a data items previously written by a transaction Ti , the commit operation of Ti appears before the commit operation of Tj .

This is a recoverable schedule since T1 commits before T2, that makes the value read by T2 correct.

Cascading Rollback

  • Occurs when a single transaction failure leads to a series of transaction rollbacks that have read its uncommitted data.
  • Example:

  • If T10 fails, T11 and T12 must also be rolled back.

Cascadeless Schedules

  • Prevent cascading rollbacks by ensuring that transactions only read committed data.
  • Example:

  • In this schedule, T2 reads the value of X only after T1 has committed. Since T2 does not read uncommitted data, it is not affected if T1 fails before committing. This makes the schedule cascadeless.

Logging and Recovery

Logs: Logs are required to provide the recoverability of a DBMS. There are two major types of logs used in DBMS recovery:

  1. Undo log: This log records the previous values of data elements before a transaction changes them. If a transaction fails, the system can use the undo log to return the database to its original state.
  2. Redo Log: This log records the changed values of data items after a transaction updates them. If a fault occurs after the transaction is committed but before the changes are written to the database, the system can reapply the modifications using the redo log.

Write Ahead Logging (WAL): WAL is an technique that ensures logs are written before data is written to the database. This ensures that even if a failure happens, the logs contain sufficient information to either undo incomplete transactions or repeat completed ones.


Checkpointing: A checkpoint is a method that creates a snapshot of the database at a specific moment in time. Checkpoints help to improve recovery time by limiting the quantity of log data that must be processed. When a checkpoint is performed, the current state of the database and log contents are saved to stable storage. In the event of a failure, recovery can begin from the latest checkpoint, decreasing the amount of effort required to restore the database to a consistent state.

Recovery Techniques

Deferred update: In the deferred update technique, changes made by a transaction are not immediately applied to the database. Rather, they are documented in a log. The database is only updated when the transaction reaches its commit point. This ensures that no changes are made to the database until the transaction is confirmed as successful.

Immediate update: In the immediate update technique, changes made by a transaction are immediately applied to the database. However, if a transaction fails before committing, the system must undo the modifications to ensure consistency. This necessitates meticulous tracking of before and after photographs of the data elements.

Shadow Paging: Shadow paging maintains two copies of each database page: the current page table and the shadow page table. The current page table is updated, while the shadow page table is left unaltered. When a transaction is committed, the current page table is written to disk, which replaces the shadow page table. If a failure occurs, the system can resort to the shadow page table to keep the database consistent.

Failure Types

Transactional Failures: Transactions fail because of logical problems (such as division by zero) or system faults (such as deadlocks). When a transaction fails, the system must ensure that the database is restored to its former consistent state by utilizing the undo log.

System failures: System failures are caused by hardware or software errors that lead to the loss of the system's volatile memory. During recovery, the system uses the logs to return the database to a consistent state.

Media Failures: Media failures occur when the storage media is physically damaged, resulting in the loss of data. Recovery from media failures usually entails restoring data from backups and applying logs to keep the database up to date.





FAQs About Topic
Recoverability in Database Management Systems (DBMS) refers to the system's ability to recover from failures and maintain database consistency.
Shadow paging involves creating two copies of database pages: the current page table and the shadow page table. Changes are made to the current pages, and only once the transaction is committed do the current pages replace the shadow pages. This ensures that if the database fails, it may be rolled back to the shadow pages.
Checkpointing includes storing the database's consistent state at a specific point in time. This decreases the quantity of log data that must be processed during recovery, which speeds up the process.