jQuery Methods

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jQuery Methods

Published by: Sujan

Published date: 16 Jun 2021

jQuery Methods - Photo

jQuery Methods

There are many jquery Methods for dom manipulation, transversal m, event handling or event triggering, attributes manipulation, dimension manipulation, css manipulation, and animations.

jQuery show() and hide() Methods

You can show and hide HTML elements using the show() and hide() methods.

The hide() method simply sets the inline style display: none for the selected elements. Conversely, the show() method restores the display properties of the matched set of elements to whatever they initially were—typically block, inline, or inline-block—before the inline style display: none was applied to them. Here's is an example.

Jquery methods

jQuery fadeIn() and fadeOut() Methods

You can use the fadeIn() and fadeOut() methods to display or hide the

HTML elements by gradually increasing or decreasing their opacity.

Jquery methods

jQuery slideUp() and slideDown() Methods

The jQuery slideUp() and slideDown() methods is used to hide or show the HTML elements by gradually decreasing or increasing their height (i.e. by sliding them up or down).

Jquery methods

jQuery animate() Method

The jQuery method is used to create custom animations.

The method is typically used to animate numeric CSS properties, for example, width, height, margin, padding, opacity, top, left, etc. but the non- numeric properties such as color or background-color cannot be animated using the basic jQuery functionality.


The basic syntax of the jQuery animate() method can be given with: $(selector).animate({ properties }, duration, callback);

The parameters of the animate() method have the following meanings:

  • The required properties parameter defines the CSS properties to be animated.
  • The optional duration parameter specifies how long the animation will run. Durations can be specified either using one of the predefined
    string 'slow' or 'fast', or in a number of milliseconds; higher values indicate slower animations.
  • The optional callback parameter is a function to call once the animation is complete.

Jquery methods

Animate Multiple Properties At Once

You can also animate multiple properties of an element together at the same time using the animate() method. All the properties animated simultaneously without any delay.

Jquery methods