Performance Appraisal

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Performance Appraisal

Published by: Anu Poudeli

Published date: 09 Jul 2023

Performance Appraisal

Performance appraisal, also known as performance review or performance evaluation, is a process used by firms to examine their employees' performance and effectiveness. It entails evaluating an employee's job performance, productivity, and contributions to the aims and objectives of the firm. Performance assessments are usually done once a year or twice a year, however they can be done more regularly in specific instances. Here are some significant features and concerns for performance evaluation:

The Goal of Performance Evaluation:

  • Give feedback: Performance assessments enable managers to give employees feedback on their strengths, areas for improvement, and overall performance.
  • Setting goals and expectations for employees: The process assists in aligning employees' activities with organizational objectives.
  • Performance assessments are frequently used to inform choices about wage raises, promotions, bonuses, and other types of recognition and awards.
  • Possibilities for advancement: Performance assessments can assist design development plans to increase employee skills and capacities by identifying areas for growth.

Evaluation Criteria:


  • Job-specific objectives: Measuring an employee's performance against set objectives and targets that are relevant to their function and duties.
  • Competencies and skills: Assessing an employee's proficiency in important job-related competencies and abilities.
  • Consider factors such as teamwork, communication, adaptability, and problem-solving abilities when evaluating behavior and attitude.
  • Customer satisfaction: evaluating an employee's ability to meet the needs of customers and offer quality service.
  • Employees that take the initiative and bring new ideas to improve procedures or outcomes are recognized for their efforts.

Methods of Performance Evaluation:

  • Rating scales: Using established scales, such as a numerical scale or a Likert scale, to rate performance on several parameters.
  • Critical events: Providing feedback by focusing on specific incidents or examples of excellent or poor performance.
  • 360-degree feedback: Obtaining input from a variety of sources, such as peers, subordinates, and consumers, to create a holistic picture of performance.
  • Allowing employees to evaluate their own performance and provide insights into their strengths and areas for development is known as self-assessment.
  • Management by objectives (MBO) is the collaborative setting of specified, quantifiable goals by managers and employees, followed by performance evaluation against those goals.

Performing the Appraisal:

  • Preparation: Both the management and the employee should prepare for the appraisal by collecting relevant data and performance examples.
  • Communication: The appraisal should be handled in a clear and concise manner.
  • Two-way dialogue: Encourage employees to share their perspectives and concerns, fostering a collaborative discussion about their performance.
  • Goal setting: Use the appraisal as an opportunity to set goals and development plans for the future.
  • Documentation: Ensure that performance appraisal discussions and outcomes are documented for future reference and to support decision-making.

Challenges and Best Practices:

  • Bias and subjectivity: Be aware of potential biases and strive for objectivity in evaluating performance.
  • Regular feedback: Performance appraisals should not be the only time feedback is given; regular feedback sessions throughout the year can enhance performance.
  • Training for managers: Provide training and guidance to managers on how to conduct effective appraisals and provide constructive feedback.
  • Clear performance criteria: Establish clear performance expectations and criteria to avoid confusion and promote fairness.
  • Employee participation: Involve employees in the appraisal process by permitting self-assessment and promoting active participation.

Remember that performance evaluations are a constant and continuing process, not a one-time event. Regular performance feedback and communication throughout the year can considerably improve the effectiveness of the performance review process.