Purbanchal University
Birtamode, Jhapa
With ties to Purwanchal University, Pathivara Engineering institution (PEC) is a recently founded engineering institution in Eastern Nepal. Professional management organizations, academicians, and seasoned educators oversee PEC. Our mission is to enhance competitive education that develops local engineering people resources through research, innovation, and technologies of international standards, all of which support the upholding of national integrity. The college is situated in Birtamode, Jhapa, a developing city in eastern Nepal that is regarded as a trading and educational landmark. The college is situated in a serene area. PEC offers enough of space for recreational activities, standard classrooms with modern technology, labs, and seminar halls needed for all academic and extracurricular student activities. For this reason, "We Design your Destiny."
PEC wants to be the top engineering education institution in the world for academic achievement.
To develop each student's inner potential so they can become more responsible, productive, proactive, and effective human resources for the country's growth by learning about the advancements in worldwide engineering professions and making a positive contribution to a successful society.
Pathivara Engineering College
Birtamode, Jhapa