National Medical College
National Medical College

National Medical College

Tribhuvan University (TU)

Bhediyahi 15, Birgunj, Nepal



National Medical College was founded in 2001 by the "National Medical College Company Pvt. Ltd." under the chairmanship of Prof.Dr. Jainuddin Ansari who is an exceptional surgeon with national and international credentials for promoting Medico-Social services. National Medical College is one of Nepal's premier medical colleges, ranking first overall in terms of infrastructure, academic facilities, and modern sophisticated medical equipment.

NMCTH is committed to providing exceptional services and medical care to all citizens who visit the facility. Per our mandate, we at NMCTH work hard to deliver comprehensive, high-quality tertiary care services to our users. However, some inadequacies may exist due to the high patient load and insufficient resources.

Mission and Goal

National Medical College, an international medical education institution, is associated with the world-renowned Tribhuvan University in Kathmandu, Nepal, and is accredited by the Nepal Medical Council. The college's goal is to develop the most competent and knowledgeable medical doctors and para-medical people to satisfy the country's and the "Global Village"'s expanding technical manpower needs. The Teaching Hospital believes in offering high-quality health care at a reduced cost.

The College not only provides its students with the most recent medical and scientific skills and knowledge on the subject for them to successfully perform their duties, but it also has a mission to nourish and nurture its students in such a way that they are always benevolent, compassionate, and sympathetic to their patients while performing their professional duties, "the Messiahas for the sick and the needy".

With these aims and objectives in view, the college has been established under the international standard set for medical education by The WorId Federation of Medical Education and under the norms set by the Nepal Medical Council, the Medical Council of India, and the Medical Council of other developed Countries. The undergraduate & Postgraduate Medical/Nursing Degrees of Tribhuvan University have wide recognition and acceptance which the college believes will be highly valued by employers of medical institutions across the globe.

Academic Programs


  • Bachelor of Medical Laboratory Technology (BMLT)
  • Bachelor in Medical Imaging Technology (BMIT)
  • Bachelor of Dental Surgery (BDS)
  • Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS)
  • BSc. Nursing
  • BNS (Bachelor in Nursing Science)


  • (M.D./M.S.) in basic and clinical subjects
    • Basic Medical Science Subject

            a. Anatomy
            b. Biochemistry
            c. Physiology
            d. Pathology
            e. Forensic Medicine


      Clinical Subject

            a. Obstetrics & Gynaecology
            b. Internal Medicine
            c. Surgery
            d. Paediatrics
            e. Radiology
            f.  Orthopaedics
            g. Anesthesiology
            h. Dermatology
            i.  Ophthalmology
            j.  ENT
            k. Psychiatry
            l.  Emergency


      Public Health Subject

            a. Master of Public Health (MPH)

  • MN (Master in Nursing)


National Medical College 

Bhediyahi 15, Birgunj, Nepal


Tribhuvan University

Offering Courses
Fee Structure

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