The Oval Portrait

The Oval Portrait

Published by: Sayuja Koirala

Published date: 10 Sep 2024

The Oval Portrait

The Oval Portrait

The Oval Portrait (1842) is one of Edgar Allan Poe's shortest stories. In only a few pages, he tells a compelling story about the relationship between art and life through the narrator's encounter with an oval portrait of a young woman in an Apennine chateau. The narrative merits serious examination since Poe presents it as a nuanced remark on the relationship between life and art.

First, a brief overview of this shortest of stories. The narrator, injured and insane, has found refuge in an old home with his valet or manservant, Pedro. He hides out in one of the rooms, contemplating the unusual paintings covering the walls and reading a small book he discovered on the pillow of the bed, which includes information on the artworks. Around midnight, he adjusts the candelabrum in the room, and his gaze is drawn to an oval-shaped image of a young girl on the verge of becoming a lady.

The narrator is intrigued by this portrait, which appears so lifelike; nonetheless, he is eventually frightened by it. He opens the book and reads the entry that explains the history of the oval portrait. The woman shown in it was the painter's young bride, and she was a perfect wife in every way except for being jealous of her husband's talent, which distracted him from her. The artist paints a portrait of his wife and becomes increasingly fascinated with capturing her resemblance, to the point that he spends all of his time staring at the portrait and very little time looking at her. She becomes weaker and weaker, depressed by the loss of her husband's love, as he stops paying attention to her and becomes increasingly absorbed with his art. When he finishes the portrait and turns to face his wife, he discovers that she is dead.

Some Important Questions

1. What is the central theme of the story? Who is the woman depicted in the oval portrait?

ans: The central theme of the novella "The Oval Portrait" is the ambiguous relationship between art and life. This story demonstrates the destructive power or addiction of art and love. Both art and love have the potential to lead someone to perfection, but they may also hurt their lives. Although the artist in this narrative achieved success through his artistic skills, his wife became a victim. She is so devastated by her husband's death that she refuses to express her aches and sufferings, risking her own life. This myth also suggests that a woman's beauty caused her to die.

The woman represented in the oval portrait is the wife of the passionate painter who created it.

2. "The Oval Portrait" is a short horror story by Edgar Allan Poe involving the disturbing circumstances surrounding a portrait in a chateau. Elaborate.

ans: This short story depicts a dismal and dreary environment of a barren Chateau in one of central Italy's mountain ranges (the Apennines). The Chateau in this narrative is absolutely uninhabited and exceedingly old-fashioned. The Chateau itself was engulfed in darkness in a remote location. Even though the Chateau had previously been lavishly ornamented, the apartments inside were unkempt and filthy. The walls were covered in tapestries and draperies, creating a dark mood. The lifelike portrait has been positioned in one of the gloomy corners. The surroundings of the lifelike portrait are distressing due to the uncontrolled conditions everywhere. Thus, it resembled a horror story.

3. Discuss the story as a frame narrative (a story within a story).

ans: The frame narrative is a literary technique that conveys information about a story within another story told by the main or supporting character. A character begins telling a story to other characters or settles down to compose a novel, narrating the specifics to the audience.

The story begins with an unknown narrator who enters a Chateau with a distinct plot and environment. However, after this location is lit with candles, a painting is shown, and the following story begins with a description of the oval portrait. In this approach, the author transitions to a new tale within a story.