Inequalities And Linear Programming

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Inequalities And Linear Programming

Published by: Anu Poudeli

Published date: 12 Jun 2023

Inequalities and Linear Programming

In mathematics and optimization theory, inequalities and linear programming are ideas that are closely related. Let's first define inequalities and linear programming , and them see how  the two are related.


An inequality is a comparison and expression of the relationship between two quantities in mathematics . When representing inequalities in mathematics, we use symbols like  "" (less than), ">" (greater than), "=" (less than or equal to), ">=" (greater than or equal to ),or "!=" (not equal to). For instance "x>3" indicates that the value of X exceeds 3.

Linear Programming

The mathematical mathod of linear programming is used to maximize a linear objective function under a set of linear constraints. It is frequently used in any different disciplines, including engineering operations research, magnagement, and economics. In order to maximize or minimum a linear objective functiom and meet a set of linear constraints, one must solve a linear programming problem.

Typically, an objective function, a collection of constraints, and a set of decision variables are used to define linear programming issues. The quantities that nees to determined are represented by the decision variables, the quantity that needs to optimized is represented by the  objective function, and the problem is constrained by the constraints.

Inequalities in Linear Programming

In linear programming inequalities are frequently used to represent restrictions. The set of all potential solutions that satisfies the restrictions and is defined by these imequalities. In a multidimensional space the  viable region is often a geometric shape.

Consider the situation where we want to maximize an objective function while adhering to some limitations, and we have two variables, x and y. For example "2x+3y=10" amd "X>=0" are linear  inequality representation of the requirements, where the first  inequality denotes a resource restrictionand the second inequality denotes a non-negativity constraint.

The choice variables linear relationship to the objective function is also usual. For instance, if we were to maximize the number 4x+5y, we would look for the highest value possible for this linear expression inside the range that is both feasible and constrained by the inequalities.

Finding the values of the choice variables that optimize the objective function while satisfying the constraints is the first step in solving a linear programming issue. The simplex method and interior-point methods are two examples of algorithms that can be used to carry out this optimization procedure.

In conclusion, the formulation of a problem with linear inequalities  as constraints and a linear objective function is what is known as linear programming which is a potent optimization tool. By taking  into account both the inequality restrictions and the optimization target, it enables us to locate the optimum solution within the reachable area.