Effective interest rate and average percentage return

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Effective interest rate and average percentage return

Published by: Nuru

Published date: 28 Feb 2022

Effective interest rate and average percentage return in BCIS Fifth semester, Reference notes

Effective interest rate and average percentage return

Effective interest rate is also known as Effective annual rate, It is defined as an equivalent rate of some semiannual or other rates less than one year. 

The annual percentage rate is defined as the interest rate per period multiplied by a number of compounding in a year. 

EAR = [1+ APR/m]^m -1


EAR = Effective annual rate

APR = Annual percentage rate

m = number of months= 2 for semiannually, 4 for quarterly, 365 for daily


Simple Rate: The interest rate quoted by the lender is called a simple rate.

Periodic Rate: The interest rate for each interest period such as monthly, quarterly, semiannually, or annually. 

Periodic rate = APR / m

where, APR = annual percentage rate, and m= number of compounding periods in a year

























FV = PV / ( 1 + i / m)^mn