Published by: Nuru
Published date: 10 Jan 2022
Any change from the normal stage that causes discomfort or disability or disturbs the health called a disease.
Types of disease (on the basis of spread of disease):
A. Communicable disease
B. Non-Communicable disease
Differences between communicable and non-communicable diseases
Communicable | Non-communicable |
1. The main causes of this disease are parasites and viruses. | 1.The main causes of the diseases are the unhealthy lifestyle, alcohol and tobacco use, lack of exercise, etc. |
2. It is transferred from a sick person to a healthy person. | 2. It is not transferred from a sick person to a healthy person but it depends on the lifestyle of people, obesity and mental health. |
3. Most of the communicable diseases are of acute type (means that can be cured.) But some diseases like tuberculosis, HIV, Hepatitis B are chronic (means that cannot be cured but can be controlled) | 3. Most of the non-communicable diseases are chronic. |
Diseases which are not transmitted from one person to another through any media are called non communicable diseases. It is believed that non communicable diseases are mostly the result of physiological disturbances, genetics, lifestyle, negligence and nutritional disorders. In some of the diseases, physiological function of our body system looks disturbed whereas in some of the diseases weakness and disabilities in organs are observed. The diseases like cancer, diabetes and asthma are the examples of non communicable diseases.
Some of the communicable diseases may develop due to nutritional disturbances. Non communicable diseases are considered more dangerous than communicable diseases because the result of psychological disturbances, genetics, lifestyle, negligence and nutritional disorder. Non communicable diseases mostly have chronic nature such as cancer, Diabetes, so far no perfect cure has been found for such diseases.
All human disease can be classified into following;
1. Congenital Disease: They are anatomical or physiological abnormalities present in the person from birth also called natural diseases. For example; sickle cell anaemia, diabetes mellitus, haemophilia , etc.
2. Acquired disease: These are acquired by the person at any time after birth. They are of two types namely; communicable and non- communicable.
The effects of many diseases may also be directly incapacitating, which cause people lacking health care, to lay sick.