The University of Divinity delivers education and research in theology, philosophy and spirituality and for over one hundred years has prepared its graduates for ministry, leadership and community service.
The University is regularly ranked by students as the top University in Australia for student satisfaction and learner engagement, reflecting the high quality of its curriculum and the dedication of staff to working with small classes.
Based in Melbourne, the University operates across Australia and works in partnership with over thirty churches, religious orders and associated organisations in a unique ecumenical enterprise.
The University of Divinity is a collegiate University. This model is familiar in Europe and North America but not found elsewhere in Australia. The system is explained in depth by Emeritus Professor Peter Sherlock in the paper The Collegiate University.
The University of Divinity is constituted by the University of Divinity Act 1910 of the Parliament of Victoria. The Act, most recently amended in 2016, establishes the University Council and empowers it to confer degrees and award diplomas and certificates in Divinity and its associated disciplines.