Four Levels of To know a Fly

Four Levels of To know a Fly

Published by: Dikshya

Published date: 04 Jul 2023

Four Levels of To know a Fly

Four levels of To Know A Fly

1. Literal Comprehension:

To conduct any type of experiment, we must pay close attrntion to the objects or things being tested. Without relity, our conclusion is invalid. For instance, a scientist believes that the house would not have collapsed if the window had not been taken down. A scientist should do an appropriate experiment if he wants to determine if a fly tastes through its leg or probscis. Even though flies don't have tongues like human do, they still have a stronger sense of taste than we do. Artificial sweets never succeed in tricking it. It won't make him feel worse if the water feels little salty and frigid. Because of this, the fly is far more sensitive and forceful than his mouth. Comparatively speaking to his mouth, the writer's acquaintance. The writer's companion is more intrigued by the fly's stomach than anything else. He testsit by putting colour in his tongue. This discovery plainly shows us that fly taste with feet and enjoy what we human love to eat. Later, when analysing its stomach, he discovers that it is coloured.

2. Interpretation:

The writer here tries to tell us that our ideas and beliefs are stated more accurate with a well-conducted scientific experiment. It helps in meeting a best conclusion. The text also carries a message about how the other organisms than human have different abilities and sensitivity power. 

3. Critical Thinking:

- Does a fly not feed on any other water except the sweet one?

- Do other creature too have stonger sense than human beings?

 4. Assimilation:

I didnt have proper understanding about experiments and all. But after reading the text, i now know a little more than i knew about scientific experiments and how it is useful to draw best conclusions. I also learnt new things about such a small fly.