Housing and Clothing

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Housing and Clothing

Published by: BhumiRaj Timalsina

Published date: 10 Feb 2022

Housing and Clothing in grade-6, Reference Note

Housing and Clothing

House provides us shelter. It is one of our basic needs. A good house protects us from heat, cold, thunder, rain, dust, wild beasts, thieves and dacoits. A house can save us from storms, Hurricanes and floods if it is built at the good site.

Selection of a site

The selection of the good area of building for a house is a prime important. The area must not be sandy or swampy. It should not be low lying area which may be filled up with water during the heavy rainfall. The area should not be damp and it should have the access of sunlight during the whole day. The housing site should be a plain, high and rocky land so that there is no probability od landslide. The house must not be built in the sloppy area where is possibility of landslide.

The site should not be too near the factories, railways track, canal ot tank water reservoir, air ports, etc. The area should have the facilities of electricity, drinking water, telecommunication, sanitations and transportation. The facilities of school, post office, market, hospital, bank, etc should be near the house.

Housing and environment

The house should be built in a calm, conductive and healthy environment. We should not build our house in over-crowded areas have a problem of air and water pollution. The sunlight cannot reach the rooms of house and these factors result in the sickness of the people.

The plants are essential for manufacturing a good environment. They provide oxygen into the atmosphere. The oxygen is vital for the survival of every living beings. Therefore, there should be good deal of vegetation all around the housing site.

The dwelling house must not be built by the side of main road because a lot od smoke and dust is blow away by the running vehicle. This makes the air polluted and people fall sick. Similarly, the loud sound of vehicle causes the noise pollution. This also hampers the study of the children.

Housing and sanitation

A good house should have the facilities of proper sanitation and water supply. The sewage, sullage and other dirt water should be drained away through an underground pipeline. This pipeline is known as sewer. But the sewers must not be connected to the source of water like river, lakes etc. The rubbish and garbage produced in the house should collected in the dustbin inside the house. Then it should be given away to the door-to-door garbage collector.

Our surrounding should also be neat, clean and healthy. Throwing of waste materials like dust, ash, vegetable parts, paper wrapping, rags and other waste on the streets and roads must be avoided. Mainly, the uneducated people should be made aware about the disadvantage of such throwing. Otherwise, the waste materials decay, properly  foul smell and cause the spread of many diseases.

In some cities like Kathmandu, there is a malpractice of connecting swers directly to the rivers. The Bagmati and Bishnumati rivers are polluted by this activity. Very bad smell has spread up to such extent that nobody even dares to go near the rivers. Hence, we must not construct house neae such polluted rivers. We should noy build our house near the dumping site also.

Housing standard

The housing site should be away from vectors, pollutants and flooding. There should be proper lighting and ventilation. The floor space should at least 110 square feet for the living of people. It means only 2 people can live in a room of area 110 sq. feet. If more people living in the same room there will be over crowd. The height  of the room should not be less than 10ft. the walls of the house should be strong, weather resistant and smooth. There should be a separate kitchen room for every dwelling. The cattle sheds, if any should be at least 25 ft, away from the house.

Housing and Clothing

House provides us shelter. It is one of our basic needs. A good house protects us from heat, cold, thunder, rain, dust, wild beasts, thieves and dacoits. A house can save us from storms, Hurricanes and floods if it is built at the good site.

Selection of a site

The selection of the good area of building for a house is a prime important. The area must not be sandy or swampy. It should not be low lying area which may be filled up with water during the heavy rainfall. The area should not be damp and it should have the access of sunlight during the whole day. The housing site should be a plain, high and rocky land so that there is no probability od landslide. The house must not be built in the sloppy area where is possibility of landslide.

The site should not be too near the factories, railways track, canal ot tank water reservoir, air ports, etc. The area should have the facilities of electricity, drinking water, telecommunication, sanitations and transportation. The facilities of school, post office, market, hospital, bank, etc should be near the house.

Housing and environment

The house should be built in a calm, conductive and healthy environment. We should not build our house in over-crowded areas have a problem of air and water pollution. The sunlight cannot reach the rooms of house and these factors result in the sickness of the people.

The plants are essential for manufacturing a good environment. They provide oxygen into the atmosphere. The oxygen is vital for the survival of every living beings. Therefore, there should be good deal of vegetation all around the housing site.

The dwelling house must not be built by the side of main road because a lot od smoke and dust is blow away by the running vehicle. This makes the air polluted and people fall sick. Similarly, the loud sound of vehicle causes the noise pollution. This also hampers the study of the children.

Housing and sanitation

A good house should have the facilities of proper sanitation and water supply. The sewage, sullage and other dirt water should be drained away through an underground pipeline. This pipeline is known as sewer. But the sewers must not be connected to the source of water like river, lakes etc. The rubbish and garbage produced in the house should collected in the dustbin inside the house. Then it should be given away to the door-to-door garbage collector.

Our surrounding should also be neat, clean and healthy. Throwing of waste materials like dust, ash, vegetable parts, paper wrapping, rags and other waste on the streets and roads must be avoided. Mainly, the uneducated people should be made aware about the disadvantage of such throwing. Otherwise, the waste materials decay, properly  foul smell and cause the spread of many diseases.

In some cities like Kathmandu, there is a malpractice of connecting swers directly to the rivers. The Bagmati and Bishnumati rivers are polluted by this activity. Very bad smell has spread up to such extent that nobody even dares to go near the rivers. Hence, we must not construct house neae such polluted rivers. We should noy build our house near the dumping site also.

Housing standard

The housing site should be away from vectors, pollutants and flooding. There should be proper lighting and ventilation. The floor space should at least 110 square feet for the living of people. It means only 2 people can live in a room of area 110 sq. feet. If more people living in the same room there will be over crowd. The height  of the room should not be less than 10ft. the walls of the house should be strong, weather resistant and smooth. There should be a separate kitchen room for every dwelling. The cattle sheds, if any should be at least 25 ft, away from the house.


 Observe the wishes and reactions of the people in different conditions and traditions. Cloth is one of basic needs. It protects us from sun, heat, cold, rain, dust and insecst bites. Proper wearing of cloths makes us from smart and decent. Clean, tidy and well fitting clothes are necessary for our good health. People of different types of place wear different types of clothes. In Nepal, Brahmin, and Chettri mwn wear Daura, Suruwal and Topi while the women wear Gunyu, Cholo and Patuka. Similarly, sherpa wear Bakhu, Docha etc. The Terai men wear vest and Dhoti while the women wear saree and blouse.

But nowadays shirt, pant, T-shirt, jeans, Kurtha, Salwar are popular in the young generation. Cultures and traditions also affect the people in regards to wearing the clothes. People of some Western countries prefer wearing short and tight fitting cloths. The urban population of Nepal is also near to it. But the rural population wears the traditional cloths that cover the whole body.