Fall 2017 Business Research Methods Question

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Fall 2017 Business Research Methods Question

Published by: sadikshya

Published date: 27 Jun 2021

Fall 2017 Business Research Methods Question

Business Research Methods

This is the question set of Business Research Methods Fall 2017, which was taken by Pokhara University.

Pokhara University –Business Research Methods Fall 2016

Level:  Bachelor Semester –sixth  Year: 2017-Fall
Program: BCIS/BBA/BBA-BI/BHCM/BHM/BBA-TT  Full Marks: 100
Course: Business Research Methods   Pass Marks: 45
     Time:  3hrs.

Section “A”

Very Short Answer Questions

Attempt all the questions.

1. Discuss the scientific research process.
2. What is a literature and literature review?
3. Mention the criteria of a good research hypothesis.
4. Highlight the significance of the research design.
5. Discuss the feature of the ratio scale of measurement.
6. Mention the advantages of observation methods of data collection.
7. Distinguish reliability and validity.
8. Prepare the format of the research proposal.
9. List out the parametric and nonparametric data analysis tools.
10. Give two examples of the APA format of referencing: One authored article and two authored book.

Section “B”
Descriptive Answer Questions

Attempt any six questions

11. Discuss the characteristics of scientific research.
12. Describe the different approaches of the literature review. Why it is important for research?
13. Formulate the five hypotheses on the study entitled “ Customer’s satisfaction private banks and Government Banks: A comparative study.”
14. Discuss different types of research design. Which design is applicable for business research? Why?
15. Describe the features of the categorical scale of measurement with 5/5 examples of each scale.
16. Suggest ten things to be considered while constructing the quality structured questionnaire to collect the primary data.
17. Distinguish between research proposal and research report.

Case Analysis

18. Study the following case.
A national-level survey on higher education status in Nepal published a report. Following is the excerpt of the report related to the BBA program.
“Most of the BBA program are running in morning time. Students are not engaged sufficient time in college for educational and extra curriculum activities. It is also observed that most of the students have not purchased text and reference books. They used to visit library once a week. They consult the books published almost 5-10 years back. Very few students are agree on that online resources is essential for BBA level students. Most of the BBA running colleges have no online library. Another important part of the BBA program is research-based teaching. The study found that less than 10 percent of teachers are involved in research and almost 40 percent of teachers have no proper idea about social science research.
The survey report further concluded that effectiveness of the BBA program is based on the teaching hours. But, the study stated that almost two-third of the subjects are taught less than 30 hours and hardly one-fifth of the subjects are taught 40 hours even though each subject requires to teach at least 48 hours. Electives subjects are taught for less than 20 hours. The internship program also not found effective as most of the students work in bank. Less than one-third of students shared that they learned only how to do photocopy during their internship. The summer research project prepared by the students are mostly copied and very few reports are original works of the students.”

Answer the following questions.
a) Based on the above report suggest the most suitable three objectives that best fit the study.
b) Suggest five hypotheses to examine the association between the demographic characteristics of the respondents and involvement in teaching and extra activities.
c) Mention statistical tools that can be used to test hypotheses as mentioned above.
d) Based on the above report provide five suggestions to improve the quality of the BBA program.