The MS Clinical Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery program at Tribhuvan University normally lasts three years. During this time, students complete a thorough training routine that includes theoretical courses, practical clinical experience, research projects, and surgical training. This structured curriculum guarantees that participants gain a thorough understanding of the specialty while also improving their surgical abilities under the supervision of experienced faculty members. Graduates who complete the program's prerequisites over three years will emerge as knowledgeable and proficient surgeons capable of addressing the difficult issues inherent in the fields of otorhinolaryngology and head and neck surgery.


  • Perform common surgical procedures for ORL and Head & Neck disorders.
  • Recognize and manage ORL, Head and Neck crises.
  • Conduct and oversee clinical research in the field of ORL and Head & Neck Surgery.
  • Recognize preventable diseases in ORL and Head and Neck Surgery, and advise society and relevant authorities on preventative actions.

All Subjects

Subjects in Clinical

S.No Subjects
         1          Medicine
         2          Surgery
         3          Obstetrics and Gynecology 
         4          Pediatrics
         5          Orthopedics
         6          Otorhinolaryngology
         7          Ophthalmology
         8          Anaesthesiology
         9          Psychiatry
        10          Radiology
        11          Dermatology

Subjects in Basic Medical Sciences

S.No Subjects
          1         Anatomy
          2         Physiology
          3         Pathology
          4         Pharmacology
          5         Biochemistry
          6         Microbiology


S.No Subjects
          1        Community Medicine + Research Methodology 
          2        Forensic Medicine
          3        Questions related to mandatory CPD (Medical ethics, rational use of                   drugs, infection prevention, BLS/ACLS, communication skills)


The MS Clinical Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery provides numerous chances for ambitious surgeons looking to specialize in the complex field of ear, nose, throat, and head and neck surgery. After completing this challenging curriculum, graduates will have a thorough awareness of the anatomical, physiological, and pathological intricacies of these regions, allowing them to diagnose and treat a wide range of illnesses with accuracy and skill. This program's emphasis extends beyond clinical practice to include research, teaching, and leadership positions in the medical community. Graduates can work as expert surgeons in hospitals, clinics, or private practices, as well as contribute to academic institutions as educators or researchers, pushing innovation and breakthroughs in the profession.

Furthermore, the curriculum equips individuals to serve as leaders in healthcare organizations, advocating for patient welfare and determining the future of otorhinolaryngology and head and neck surgery in Nepal and elsewhere.