Tribhuvan University (TU)
Ilam, Nepal
027-520020, 027-520665, 027-521653 , 027-520020
Mahendra Ratna Multiple Campus, (MRMC) Ilam was been established in 1960 (2016 BS) by the Iocal people businessman and then educationists putting their efforts in the initial phase. With the Enrollment of only 28 students. As the first academic program, the campus gradually introduced Other programs such as I.Ed., B.A, B.Com, BBS,Bsc. Horticulture,M.A., M.Ed., B.B.A, B.S.W, Social Studies etc. The major attraction of this campus is the quality education to students, Pleasent environment of the campus premisis, sufficient physical infrastructure, automated library, Updated teaching learning activities, modern teachingmaterials, attractive scholarship, QAA Certification, hostels for boys and girls, ECA and so on. The campus has been enhanching the Quality education by providing oppurtunities to faculties for higher studies, workshop, seminar and Above all these there are ample oppurtunities for research activities such a mini research projects And research article publications.
Ilam, Nepal
027-520020, 027-520665
Mahendra Ratna Multiple Campus Ilam