Tribhuvan University (TU)
Butwal, Rupandehi
071-540134 01-551516
In 2030 B.S., Butwal Multiple Campus was founded. In order to educate women, students from underrepresented ethnic groups, and students who are educationally disadvantaged overall, this campus has been offering four bachelor's degree programs in the humanities, science, education, management, and M.Ed. (Nepali, EPM), MA (English, Nepali, Economics), and MBS. In the humanities, there is a low student admittance rate. In a similar vein, the trajectory of student admissions to management and education programs does not match institutional expectations. We've been working hard, making plans, and seeing some shifts in the general direction.
One of the component campuses of the western Nepali town of Butwal is Butwal Multiple Campus. It is located close to the Golpark neighborhood of the Butwal Municipality on the hilly terrain of Butwal. The reason for the moniker Multiple is that it offers multiple courses in the fields of law, commerce, science, and the arts, among others. The class schedule is subject to change and begins at 6:00 am.
Butwal Multiple Campus
Butwal, Rupandehi